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View Full Version : Classify this Wild!!!

11-14-2004, 05:41 PM

I was wondering what strain this is? A friend at an lfs got 2 of these in horrible shape, both bout 7". She said they looked like they had been thrown around, but anyways she called people she got them from and said they were gonna die so she got a refund for them. Here 3 weeks later they are doing a lot better and she is willing to give them to me if I. Help her rearrange her Store. What I would like to know is can these be kept with My other Discus or separate? Do I feed exactly what I feed all others I have? I have never had Wilds and am a bit worried of doing something wrong. The People she got these from I believe said they got them in Brazil, but I don't remember!

11-14-2004, 07:46 PM
treat them the same as your other discus. ph 6-6.5 low gh. just keep up your water changes.

11-15-2004, 10:18 AM
It is a typical common wild Blue Discus imo.
note the striations in the lower fin , the lack of body striations and the few on the head, as well as the slightly faded outer 'circle'

11-15-2004, 07:39 PM
I find that wilds take about a month of good care before they really develop color. Mine eat tetra bits, beef heart, freeze dried turbifex and flake, though it takes a bit for them to get used to the flake.

I wont go as far as calling it a blue just yet since I have seen "greens" look like that as well. If after a month of good TLC you dont pick up any more color then I would lean towards the common blue as well. I have had several of them myself and they due look nice once they settle in.

Wilds and domestics do mix, I have a snake skin in with my wilds and I know several people with leopards and turqs in with theirs. The only thing I can say is QT all new fish before introducing them into your main tank. Most of what wilds carry can easily be cured with salt and formalin so they shouldnt cause you much of a problem. My wilds are in RO water thats about 6.5 pH and they seem to do well (I have had 3 spawns in there so it cant be that bad)
