View Full Version : Cloudy in one eye.

11-15-2004, 03:58 PM
Allo all,

Wow it sure has been awhile since I last posted, but its nice to see the new changes to this forum.

One of my discus is experiencing cloudiness to one of its eye. What is causing this? bacteria? What can I do to remedy this?

I have tried clean water and salt. How long can I do this without using medications without damaging his eye permanently?

I would like to treat it without using medication first if possible, and if I need medications, which one do you guys suggest? Cloudy Eyes?




Barb Newell
11-15-2004, 04:28 PM
Hi Chi, how much salt do you have in the tank? You can go as high as 1 tbsp/ gal if necessary for a week. How long has it been going on?

If it doesn't clear with increased water changes and salt, I'd recommend Furan2 double dose.


11-15-2004, 05:21 PM
Hi Chi,
Cloudy eye is a permenantly illness, 99% won't cure. JMO
But unless you start cure in the first week. Clear eye still has it's chance to come back. Good luck

11-17-2004, 06:41 PM
Salt in your tank in not recommended, although many people here think it is a cure-all remedy. Salt ought to be used only as a temporary dip.

Clouded eyes are a symptom of several causes. 1) Poor water quality. 2) Internal infection. 3) Malnutrition

Find the cause and treat accordingly. For an internal infection, erythtromyacin or kanamyacin would be my choice. Neomyacin and a sulpha drug would also be appropriate.