View Full Version : A couple tail standers???

Northern Aquaselect
11-27-2004, 03:49 PM
I have a couple of tail standers, at feeding time they eat and swim around normal, when no food, and their relaxed they will tip back, to 60 degrees or so and hang out. I'm guessing it could be an internal bacterial infection, is there a way to know if it is gram positive or gram negative? My water parameters are all good, I've also read this could be a side effect from prazi?? They went through a treatment of parasite clear, (Metro/Prazi), it's been about a week since that treatment, and not all are affected, just a couple. Any info, comments, guidence, appreciated.


Barb Newell
11-27-2004, 05:42 PM
Hi J. I know head and tail standing are a side effect from using flubendazole. I've had it happen. I have never heard of prazi causing this.

How long have they been like this? Only 2 fish?

I'd begin with a dose of epsom salts (1 tbsp/ 10 gallons), see if they improve. Are they bloated at all? Keep your temp under 83 just in case it's bacterial.

If no improvement, I'd suspect internal bacterial infection and treat with Kanacyn, you can double dose if necessary.


Northern Aquaselect
11-28-2004, 12:38 PM
Thanks for the info Barb. I'll keep the temp down just incase. I've never tried flubendazole, I did actually treat with an external parasite Mal/Green/Form Product. The final concentration I believe to be slightly less than the 2 drop/Gal. of Formalin. It is only 2, maybe 3 fish and the only other med that has been given is the parasite clear. They had just started it the last 3 days, not bloated. Thanks for the info.


Barb Newell
11-28-2004, 01:06 PM
Hi J. I just thought of something, I may be way off. Maybe they're blocked with dead worms. Sometimes worms can die inside and take some time to pass. I'd definitely give the epsom salts a try. Even dose at 2 tbsp/ 10 gals -- see if it helps.


Northern Aquaselect
11-30-2004, 12:55 AM
That does sound like a possiblity, seems they had been given a parasite treatment and should that have been infected... I've seen them bloated from food blockage and they usually are stuck swimming to the bottom until it passes, these guys look like their sitting in a Lazyboy. Thanks again for the advice.


Barb Newell
11-30-2004, 08:50 AM
Dead roundworms take some time to pass, they come out like pieces of mucous.

Have they improved from the epsom salts? I'd give Kanacyn (double dose) a try soon.
