11-29-2004, 12:33 AM
Has anyone used frozen baby brime shrimp for frys? I wanted to try one (San Francisco Brand), was wondering the pros and cons of using this compared to the live baby brime shrimp. Just want to reduce the work of culturing baby brime. thanks.

Barb Newell
11-29-2004, 07:20 PM
Hi Bamboo. You could always have some live bbs on hand, and try the frozen to see if the fry will accept them. If they don't, feed live until they readily accept the bbs, then try changing over to frozen again.

I always start with live until they learn to eat them, then go to frozen. I freeze my own in ice cube trays.


11-29-2004, 11:59 PM
I freeze my own, because there's always more than enough from each harvest. So about half of the harvest gets frozen in mini ice cube trays. They keep for a couple of months. Once frys start feeding on live bbs, never had them turn down the frozen stuff.


11-30-2004, 12:26 AM
I only use frozen bbs. Never had a problem with it. The only downside is they tend to sink quicker. However once they get used to them all is ok.


12-01-2004, 11:47 AM
Someone on a betta fourm told me that Frozen BBS may not be frozen for awhile after hatching, so that by the time they are frozen, they may not have as much fat content as they would if they were newly hatched. Also, they tend to be slightly bigger... Fine for discus, but not so good for bettas.

I've always found it hard to get them to eat frozen as first foods, they usually start out with live bbs and then slowly switch to frozen. I guess movement helps trigger their eating a little more.


12-15-2004, 12:48 AM
Haven't had this problem before. The last spawn I had, I introduced Baby Brine Shrimp until I got the fry away from the parents. After I remove the fry, I see what looks like real small "grains of rice" in the parents tank. I siphon them out but they re-appear. They don't seem to hurt anything, just haven't seen this before. Using Brine Shrimp I got from washington state. They seem to stay on the bottom and seem to move but I don't see any legs or anything. I feed beefheart to the parents. Any ideas? Thanks