View Full Version : What meds should I use?

12-03-2004, 09:20 PM
Take a look at these pics and tell me what you think I should use. These are pics of stringy, gell like, white feces that I have not figured out how to eliminate. I have been using salt and Paracite Clear by jungle labs, active ingredients praziquantel, difluorobenzamide, metronidazole, acriflavine. I have already done one 6 day cycle and now am on my 4th day on their second trial with the PC. I have noticed the fish seem happier but it has not eliminated the stringy white poop! What else should I try? Please Help!

12-03-2004, 09:20 PM
another pic

12-03-2004, 09:21 PM
last one.

12-03-2004, 10:00 PM
Does it look segmented? if so its tapeworm

however from the pics it does not look segmented to me, it looks jelly like.
this would most likely be hexamita (or spironucleus ) internal parasite or intestinal lining.

treatment = temp 92 to 94F for 10 days

Metronidazole at 400 mg per 10 gallons , add this every 8 hours for 3 days

50%wc per day

Metronidazole is also sold as Hexamit. or metro at www.jehmco.com or http://www.4fishstuff.com/index.htm


12-03-2004, 10:13 PM
Thanks for replying. I don't think its tapeworm. seems more jelly like than evenly segmented. Unfortunately I couldn't get my camara to take clear close-ups. The paracite clear says it contains metronidazole. Would plain metronidazole work better than PC?

12-03-2004, 10:33 PM
Hi Fred
I think plain metro is better. You can control the dose better and the higher temps are safe with plain metro. I don't know about higher temps with the mix of meds.

Higher temps play a vital role in treating the disease.

IMO use the plain metro. I have had good luck that way.


12-03-2004, 10:42 PM
Hi Fred,
Sometimes white feces are mis-diagnose as Hex. It could be internal bacterial infection. I would combined Kanamycin with Metronidazole 5 to 7 days with 50% w/c and clean filter everyday. Don't forget to add salt.


12-03-2004, 10:42 PM
Thanks Ardan! I will place an order for the plain meds. By the way, you said that the high temp plays a vital role. What is the purpose for the high temp, does it speed up the life cycle of the paracite? Just curious:) Also, I am in the market for a digital ph meter and tds reader. Any suggestions on where I can get all this and the meds so I can just pay one shipping charge?
Thanks again,

12-03-2004, 10:56 PM
Thanks Dan! What exactly does the kanamycin do? just curious

12-03-2004, 10:59 PM
Hi Fred,
i would contact RandalB on this site for the tds and ph meters (he has a sale going on now in the buy sell trade section I think. :) )


12-04-2004, 12:19 AM
Thanks Dan! What exactly does the kanamycin do? just curious
Fred For bacterial infection. When discus have bacterial infection they poop white. Sometimes it's diagnosed as hex. Combining the two meds, will take care of both.


12-04-2004, 12:43 AM
Thanks Ardan, thanks Dan! I'll keep everyone posted.

David Urban
04-15-2008, 12:09 PM
Hi, wich is the dosis for kanamicin?

04-16-2008, 12:44 PM
Fred, sorry you've got 'issues'! I don't know the physiologics of the reason, but metro doesn't work effectively unless the tank temp is at least 92 degrees--there is a problem with absorption into the gut I believe. I assume that the dosage of the metro in Paracite Clear is not what Ardan is suggesting--it needs to be about 400mg/10g every 8 hours to work most efficaciously. When I have had hex in a tank, it has taken about 9-10 doses to clear it. The kanamycin is the back up--as Dan said, it may NOT be hex but a bacterial infection which also makes white stringy poop, OR it could be a secondary bacterial infection because hex compromised the gut lining and the fish then developed a bacterial infection. In either case, use the Kana and the metro. For salt, you can do about 2 tbl./10g. More wouldn't hurt. Mostly the salt is soothing to the discus. BE certain it is SEA SALT, which is non iodized. Morton sells one pound boxes of Kosher course salt that work fine from your local grocer [cheap!] or you can get salt from a LFS. Remember when you do daily 50% water changes daily--replace 50% of the salt as well. I don't remember if Kana is light sensitive off hand but if so, leave the tank lights off.
Best of luck