View Full Version : new tank set up

12-06-2004, 09:17 AM
Well this past weekend was the big tank switch..so on Fri I got all the fish moved to temp quarters,drained the water into holding tanks and moved the plastic 55's out of the way to make room for the new 125's...Sun the rest of the "possie" was coming over to help me,read that do all the heavy stuff....
Well any one knowing me,knows that I usually can't wait....so on Sat I grabbed a couple of my neighbors and we set up two of the tanks,just to make Sun an easier day...
Boy do those new tank with fish in them look sweet,I swear the fish look a lot better in the new digs..
So Sun morning gets here and Glenn Gary and Aran,who just got off one of his 27 hr shifts..he is playing at becoming a Doctor..oh where oh where is Steve?????????? We it took all of 10 min to get the other three tanks in place...and who walks in all ready to do the heavy stuff...just as we git the last tank in place...the biggest guy on the team...Steve....well he did good at advising us as to which fish should be placed in each tank LOL
Today is Mon morning and the tanks are up,the fish are in thier new homes and looking great...and yea I did take pics,now all I have to do is figure out how to size them and the post them...so don't hold your breaths,I am not real handy at the posting pics thing...I can take them ok and print them out,but the sizing and posting thingie has got me baffeled.....
I do want to thank all my fish "buds" for all the help,cuz without them the tanks would still be sitting in thier boxes....
Oh yea now I have a lot of "extra" tank space...which the bride noticed right away...so she says to me.." just because you have extra room,don't even think about getting more fish"...so I says to her" Gee dear,I wish you would have said that to me a week or so ago,cuz I already ordered some"!
I still can't get over how good the fish look swimming around in the larger tanks....Of course the guys are now taking bets to see how long it takes me to get rid of the other tanks and go to all 125's...Himmmmm now that is a good idea...
Pics will follow...I hope


12-06-2004, 11:45 AM
Sounds like a fun project Mench! Now it's time to get those pics up!! :D

12-06-2004, 11:56 AM
Ok, Mench...

Here's the help you need for resizing pics:


No more excuses now!!! Get those pics posted!!! :D


12-06-2004, 12:54 PM
Thats great news Ron, Those 125s are my favorite tank size.. the discus do great in them.... good luck with the new setup! Now lets see those pics!

12-06-2004, 01:49 PM

Sounds like a great new setup! How many 125s in all did you upgrade to?

The fish definitely like the big tanks. It's like their own big pond!

I'm looking forward to see the pics as well!


12-06-2004, 04:28 PM
Actually, the only reason Ron had us all come over was to DROOOOOOOOOOOL over these awesome looking 6' tanks that he now has and we don't. He just wanted us all to be JEALOUS of his new set up. And............it worked. These tanks set up on his shelving units are to die for.

Of course now he needs a lot more discus to fill them all up.


12-09-2004, 01:34 AM
Oh yea now I have a lot of "extra" tank space...which the bride noticed right away...so she says to me.." just because you have extra room,don't even think about getting more fish

Hi all,
Mench................hahahahaha, I can hear Mary now............. ;)


12-09-2004, 04:26 AM
all sounds cool Mench. ive been waiting for menches pics for oh...about 5 years now..or more..so..dont hold your breath..
I WANT PICS MENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
why not..send a big file to someone..who knows how to resize..and they would do it for you.

12-09-2004, 08:26 AM
Email em to me Ron and I'll post them for you.


12-09-2004, 11:38 AM
Ok ..ok..ok I will take some mor pids today and try to post them..if not I will send to my bud over here Steve..Man I really ,really have to learn how to do this...course I have been saying that for about 5 yrs now...just a slow learner.
And Pril..some things are worth waiting for..Hee Hee
Steve,hows the lil cutie doing??? Oh yea you can guess what Mary said...just wait till the bill comes in...hope it's after xmas...but she does like the tanks and the way the fish look in them...so I guess she will like the looks of the new fish I just got and the other order that is coming in a few weeks...LOL

12-11-2004, 03:39 AM
LOL Mench. what fish did you get and which ones are coming in a week or so? we want details. im sure the bride isnt really surprised at all. im sure she has been expecting it..
ive tried the get bigger tanks so they have more room routine..then..you get more fish..and then..of course you need or want new bigger tanks or more tanks..just to spread them out a bit...give them room. then.....lets guess...more fish...seeming you have more room?

12-11-2004, 07:31 AM
Well I got some red spotted huge red Marlboros from the dutchman and I have some red and blue snakes and red dragon snakes coming from Lee and just maybe some spotted eurptions from Danny.....So that should be it for a while,now to get them all grown and start them spawning among themselves and with my stock....I do have quite a bit more room if I want to go bigger,but no plans for that ...at least for now....
