View Full Version : How to clean Eggcrate divider?

12-09-2004, 01:29 PM
I just spent almost 2 hours to clean my eggcrate divider using a tooth brush. I use this eggcrate on my 90g tank. I'd like to know how you guys do it. 2 hours on one eggcrate is just too much...don't you think so?


12-09-2004, 03:07 PM
Hi Kishi,

How often do you have to clean it? My first suggestions would be to soak it in a bleach solution, and/or use a larger scrubbing brush. I find that with soaking in a bleach solution, very little or no scrubbing is necessary. Just make sure you rinse very well afterward.


12-09-2004, 03:53 PM
Bleach is a good suggestion.

I might also suggest picking up some green vinyl coated hardware cloth at a hardware store.... They'll be less cleaning needed and when needed its easier... its also more forgiving in appearence if algae grows on it and is easily cut and shaped to fit.


12-09-2004, 04:44 PM
Ok, Al, but that's avoiding the question!! Hahaha.. Especially since I use the eggcrate for a 110g tank top with piece of plastic over it to conserve heat. The plastic is easy, but the crate does get green & needs a big scrubber. & my bathtub isn't big enough to hold it to soak in bleach either Oodi!! LOL, guess I'll just hafta make do!!! Dottie

12-09-2004, 05:01 PM
Hi Al, could you elaborate on vinyl coated hardware cloth? What is it and how do you use it? Pics if you have any.

12-09-2004, 05:44 PM

Get a bigger bathtub!! :D I use my bathtub to clean our window blinds. The jacuzzi action works wonders! ;)


12-09-2004, 09:31 PM
Judi, that's in the plans when I move to Tn. I want a jacuzzi tub & that happens to be a major industry down there from what I hear. & yes, I used to clean blinds in the tub too, lol, Dottie

12-11-2004, 01:41 PM
hi discuscraze,
Its a metal wire thats coated with green vinyl. This makes it ideal for submerging and can be used to make a tank divider, egg screen, or tank cover... Its easily cut and bent into whatever shape you want and is easier to make a tight fit when uses as a divider.


12-11-2004, 01:43 PM

12-11-2004, 01:44 PM
last one

12-11-2004, 05:58 PM
Hi Al,

Can you tell what hardware store you got that wire mesh from? I've never seen it at Home Depot or Lowes.

thanks bro,

12-12-2004, 03:57 AM
Hi Dan,
I think I have gotten it at Home depot up here in the past..Its pretty common as a cheap yard and garden fencing. This particular roll in the pic came from a local hardware store... a true-value one .


12-12-2004, 03:20 PM
soak in bleach then clean with a power washer

12-28-2004, 12:35 PM
How do use the hardware cloth as a tank divider? What holds it in place? Do you have to cure it (would it leach stuff)?

Sounds like an idea I want to try.