View Full Version : Bacterial ,gill trouble

12-14-2004, 07:10 AM

Kanamycin is reccomended for the breathing problems my young discus are experiencing . They have been treated for flukes then with furan2 which solved the problem for a few weeks. Now it is back and i can not get kanamycin here in NZ.
Does anyone know of any other type of med which would work.


12-14-2004, 09:53 AM
How did you treat for flukes???

Barb Newell
12-14-2004, 10:46 AM
Can you give us more info? What size tank, how many fish, age, water change regime, etc...



12-14-2004, 09:31 PM
you need to get prazi and treat for at least 3 weeks.
You should be able to find it in petshop.
If not, you can try on the internet, or use "Jungle Parasite Clear" which contains prazi.

You have to know that gill flukes will never really go away, you have to keep the level down with good water, clean tank and water changes.
Worst is when you have a planted tank..
You can also use a UV sterilizer to keep the level down and kill other parasites ans bacterias..



12-15-2004, 12:01 AM
i notice that our frys are getting weaker. how much praziquantel should i use 4 frys? how much mg? what should d water temp be? how long am i gonna medicate? is it also the same prazi used for dogs?

i appreciate your help.

12-15-2004, 06:34 AM
Hi all

Bamboo, I treated some fry with Prazi from 2 days old , i was not expecting to keep them , they grew fine in the med for 2 weeks before mum ate them as she always does if i leave her in the tank.

As for the other info people have asked me please look at my old post i have restarted again (What could be happening) in Disease/Sickness and Medication.

