View Full Version : Help! - bloody fins

12-21-2004, 02:57 AM
I just noticed the discus pictured below has red, bloody looking areas at the base of her pectoral fin and throughout her pelvic fins. She is acting and eating normally, and uses the fins normally. Another discus has this at the base of one pectoral fin also.

These fish were treated with prazi about 5 days ago. I skipped a couple water changes during treatment, but resumed water changes two days ago. The affected fish did not pass any worms, and have always been very healthy fish. Could this be a side effect of the prazi?

Up until today, the two affected fish were in separate tanks, but I did not use separate water change equipment. No other discus appear to be affected.

Any help would be appreciated!

12-21-2004, 10:20 AM
Hi Brandy,
I don't know exactly what causes that, but I have seen it before.It has always cleared itself up in a day or so. I'd watch it and see how it goes.
Streaking from the fin margins in to the base of the fin usually indicates a bacterial infection...But what you are seeing doesn't look like that to me. I think what you are seeing is a localized inflamations or a stress response....did this fish recently flip or has it been netted at all?


on the prazi, the worms that you will see with the naked eye are tapeworms... capillaria is generally not seen in the feces.. Not seeing worms doesn't mean that there were none, except for tapeworms, which are passed out with the feces.

12-21-2004, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the help, I'll keep an eye on her. I'm just kind of concerned because I'm going to be gone several days for Christmas. I don't want anything to happen while I'm gone.