View Full Version : Farlowella

12-22-2004, 02:56 AM
Hi Everyone,

I need your feedback and your opionion about the farlowella, Are they safe with Discus coumminty tank ? The farlowella carry diesase to discus?

thank for your share information.


12-22-2004, 03:16 PM
Hi Duncan,

Any species of fish can be a carrier for disease. If you are planning on bringing a new fish home it should be quarantined for 6 weeks before being placed in with other fish.

Farlowella is a very common name for quite a few similar species, some of which prefer water that is a bit cooler than your average Discus tank. With members of the catfish family I usually make sure they have a nice piece of driftwood in the quarantine tank, the same as you would supply them in your community set-up. The quarantine time will also give you a chance to see how your fish acclimates to your water parameters, especially the pH.



12-22-2004, 05:00 PM
No problem Northwestcoastdisc,I have this farlowella with my discus

12-22-2004, 05:29 PM
YES, farwella are safe with discus .But need a peice of driftwood too . They eat algea too . True vegetarian mean they are safe in a fry tank . Have use them in all my breeding tanks for years ( other fish beside discus ) and have had no problems . Also a good fish to tell you if your water is go bad . They like clean soft water like discus . One per 20 gals. is all you need more then that and they stare to death . Hope this helps !

vickie s
12-23-2004, 11:15 PM
I have a Farlowella (like the one in monover's reply) in my 125g planted dicus tank. It is peaceful and likes the spot algea on the front glass. I have been throwing in some algea wafers lately because there is currently not much algea in the tank.

12-27-2004, 06:42 PM
hi everyone

thanks for great information.

Of course I do put the farlowella in QT till make sure they clear to load them in my discus.

they are really so cool fish

