View Full Version : constipation

12-24-2004, 05:12 PM
I'm worried about my biggest youngin. He is always bloated. It seems as though he tries to go but it just wont. I even tried epsom salt and he still can't go. :confused: What to do? I don't over feed by any means. The others are starved cause I'm afraid if I feed to much the big one might explode!

12-24-2004, 06:09 PM
Some discus (especially blue diamond types) have trouble with constipation. This does not improve with age. I would put the rest of yoru healthy fish in their own tank and feed accordingly. Try feeding the the problem fish frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worms only for several days. You can put one tablespoon epsom salt per 10 gallons in the tank and dose the same amount again in four hours. If this still does not work I would worry wonder if it is anything that can be easily cured . . .

12-24-2004, 07:51 PM
If epsom salts and the BS/BW diet doesnt work, then it is intestinal parasites......either tape worms or nematodes. How is their appetites??


12-26-2004, 03:41 PM
They eat like crazy. Always searching for more food!

01-03-2005, 05:38 PM
Have an update. The biggest fish is still bloated. He passes feces and he eats like crazy. He is a lot bigger than the other fish also. What could be the cause of him being bloated. He just looks FAT. I'm thinking of seperating the tank and not feeding him as much until his stomache gets back to normal. What could be the cause of this? :confused: :(

01-03-2005, 05:44 PM
IF fat all over including behind the forehead then he is just a big eater. If looks like swallowed marble either infection, blockage or chronic slow elimination.

01-03-2005, 05:55 PM
No, he is not fat behind the forehead. Only around the stomache. He doesn't look like he swallowed a marble. His stomache isn't totally round. One of the other small blue ones is also chubby in the gut also. I need to get a good picture. Maybe someone could post a pic of a Discus with a full belly. I've had Discus in the past and I never had to check there bellies before I fed them. The Red Turq is slim as ever. The fish are ALWAYS hungary! :(

01-03-2005, 08:00 PM
Prazi, Parasite Clear and Fluke Tabs all kill tape worms. If he has a blockage and tapeworms he may have a hard time passing them . . .

01-03-2005, 08:18 PM
I used Metrobits a few weeks back and the fish seemed better off. The only thing is, now they are bloated. They always have an appetite. Can I use any of the three meds Prazi, Fluke tabs, Parasite Clear without it affecting my bio-filtration? Also, should I treat the entire tank or the few fish that are bloating?

01-04-2005, 12:14 AM
None of those meds will impact the biofilter too much. Treat the whole tank if you suspect tape worms.

01-04-2005, 12:59 AM
gotcha :)