View Full Version : Breeder TAnk Layout ?

12-26-2004, 12:07 AM
I'm setting up 4 20 hi tanks for breeders, tired of these guys messing up my big tank with eggs everywhere.. lol Anyway, never done this before in a 20, so would appreciate some input on whether or not this layout is optimum...
Hydro 4 in front, heater (not shown :) ) will be at an angle along the side, and the side I took this shot through will be covered... is the cone too close to the overflow ??? would a hydro III be better ??? would appreciate some input for you guys and gals for which this is old hat...

12-26-2004, 11:05 AM

23 people have read it.. no responses :confused: Does that mean it's a good setup? ... so bad you don't think I have any right to even try breeding?
or..... other lol

12-26-2004, 01:56 PM
i think thats a great setup right there...any lights on the tank?

12-26-2004, 05:51 PM
Lights will be suspended above the tank rather than sit on the tank.. made the tops out of plexi so don't want to melt em.. lol

12-26-2004, 08:55 PM
Hi Jim,
Looks great.

IMHO, I think 20s are a bit small for very large males. Another thing I find with 20s is sometimes difficult to do maintenance without disturbing the pair, specially when there's over hundred babies in the tank.
I remember someone saying that Gabe Posada (Jack Wattley's partner) have all their pairs in 20 gallon tanks.
I buy the 29s because it's only five more dollars than the 20s.:)


12-27-2004, 10:42 AM
We use 29's and then we have 1 30 gal. We use the sponges that hang on the wall. You do have more room in there vs a 20. Here is a picture of one of our setups. The picture is not the greatest but it shows ya how all ours are set-up.