View Full Version : Has anyone tried cyclop-eeze with discus??

12-26-2004, 11:36 AM
Has anyone tried cyclop-eeze with discus??
Any recommendation to use cyclop-eeze mixing with other food??
Any advantages and disadvantages of the cyclop-eeze??
Thank you for the answer :)

12-27-2004, 12:52 PM
Hi Jackkyky,
I have used them with no problem on fry.. but There are some cautions that have been raised in some books stating that there are spines in cyclops that could pose a hazard to fry. I don't know if these are in cyclops-eeze, as that product is bio-engineered. ..I never noticed any issues and still use the freeze dried and frozen from time to time. The HUFFA profile..(fatty acids) is excellent as a nutritional aid.... from time to time I'll throw some in my beefheart mixes as well.


bio new
01-01-2005, 06:24 AM
Yes, I have mixed it with homemade BH. Seemed o.k., to me. I fed them to my juvs. All my discus ate it and they didn't "complain" <grin>.

Here's the link to http://www.cyclop-eeze.com


01-02-2005, 06:15 PM
Did you use them to replace BBS 100% or as a suppliment, with BBS?


bio new
01-02-2005, 09:55 PM
Did you use them to replace BBS 100% or as a suppliment, with BBS?

Hi Kacey,

I used them as a supplement rather than replacement. Anyway, its freeze dried type and I mixed them to the frozen BH.


01-02-2005, 10:29 PM
I've used it by mixing it in with beefheart mix. My fish were very richly colored and grew like crazy. I just wish it weren't so expensive.
