View Full Version : Freshwater Clam for discus tank

The Lenman
12-27-2004, 05:38 PM

So the theme of Santa has me making a list....not of who is naughty or nice ...but of the stocking list for my new show tank....

I am getting my cleaning crew ready for my discus show tank....

it will eventually have some corys, ottos, bristle nose pleco and some shrimp...the tank is 110G high.....and will have small pebble substrate, large centerpiece driftwood with some water sprite floating on top of the water...love how the roots grow down and give a nice look....and of course some nice discus...

question is as I was lurking the internet for info on a cleaning crew I landed upon the freshwater clam...several sites sell it....(Corbicual sp.) or the Golden Clam a.k.a. Freshwater Asian Clam Native to: Tropical South Asia, Africa, and Australia

(Corbicula fluminea)

enough of the technical info.......I am curious has anyone had any experience with them...any do's or don'ts....they say they are filter feeders eating waste out of the substrate and water....and don't harm other fish, tolerate most water conditions and temperatures.......seems like dream come true...

so why have I not read more about them.....

I did find one old post on the krib that mentioned them......that someone had discus that came down with white spots that could be a disease that the clams passed on...?????????????? but they werent sure...

Does anyone have any info.....

In a perfect world they appear to be a living bio filter that you don't need to do a lot to keep happy....except stock your tank with fish...

12-28-2004, 09:10 AM
I would not recommend it. Snails, mollusks, and many other invertebrates are documented hosts for parasites that infect fish. You might be harming your discus by the addition of a cLam.. I would also be cautious since its origin is other than South America...it could be carrying something discus have never seen.


12-28-2004, 04:59 PM
I would agree to stay away from clams too. Imagine the clam(s) dying or dead...how would you find it buried in the substrate? By the time you found out that they're dead it's pro'lly been there much too long.