View Full Version : Best method to cope with egg eater

12-29-2004, 02:50 AM
My pair have been spawning every week or so for 3 months or more, but the male always eats the eggs after around 24-36 hours. I have heard that some people screen their eggs or remove the egg eater. Which method would you recomend to do, or is there another solution ? If I were to screen the eggs how and what material would I use for a PVC pipe?

Augusto Gadelha
12-29-2004, 09:04 AM
Hi Russ,

I really do not believe that exist discus that are "egg eaters", must have some problem that is affecting the pair and resulting in the male to be eating the eggs, gives one checked in the water parameters, factors of stress next to the place to the tank, etc. Any way you can try to cover the pipe of pvc with a nylon screen or even though to remove the male and to leave that the female make her job alone.

12-29-2004, 05:58 PM
you can cover the eggs with a mesh material used for rain gutters or you can pull one of the parents - many times the female is ready to spawn again and eats the eggs.