View Full Version : experienced breeders, please help

Anders Hansson
12-30-2004, 05:40 AM
I wonder if you medicate in any way during the time from fry to adults. I have heard from some breeders that they medicate to get rid of flagellates and parasites in fry and young discus. So how do you make it from fry and up ?

Anders :confused:

Barb Newell
12-30-2004, 12:27 PM
Hi Anders. I'm not one of the more experienced breeders but will share what I do. With fry, I focus on cleanliness first. I do a lot of water changes (make sure your water is the same parameters as the tank water), rinse their sponges daily in tank water, rub the sides of the tank down daily, airlines etc...

If I know that it's not a high bioload problem and notice any flashing, darting, clamped gills, fry deaths.... I'll do one treatment of formaldehyde 37% (1 ml/ cc per 10 gallons) plus aquarium salt 2 tbsp / 10 gals for 8 hours, then do a 50% water change.

That's about it. My fry don't get hex or don't normally have any other problems, again, as long as the tank is clean and water good.
