View Full Version : Live Bloodworm

01-06-2005, 09:33 PM
Does anyone use the live blood worm with their discus? I use the frozen bloodworm for now but I think the live bloodworm may be better. Is there any info about buying and keeping live bloodworm? I can only find the red worm on the web. Thanks you for your help.


01-14-2005, 09:57 PM
Hey Maniac, I could be wrong, but I think bloodworms and blackworms (as in CBW's) are pretty much the same thing. You could check out Aquatic foods from their banner, or, one of the threads about CBW's

01-14-2005, 10:22 PM
California Black Worms are different than bloodworms. Also, I'm pretty sure the problem with live bloodworms is the fact that they carry parasites. You need a clean source. I might be wrong but I've heard they do. Someone correct me if I'm wrong :o

01-14-2005, 10:24 PM
Oh, no, bloodworms are the larva of midge flies. No relation to black worms.

I had some living in my filter at one point. Rather a lot of them, but the idea of them not getting eaten and emerging from the filter where they were growing, then flying around the house really bothered me, or rather my spouse who was quite upset at the few flies that we had already.

There is a post here somewhere titled "bloodworms in my filter" with photos of the filter pads. If I could've guaranted that no worms would escape the fish, I'd have kept them. But it seemed that the ones in the filter were not going to just flop over into the tank that easily, picking them out by hand was not going to happen, no matter how much the fish liked them.

01-14-2005, 11:18 PM
Correct, bloodworms such as Hikari are midge fly larvae, as are red mosquito larvae that one company sells. Live tubifex worms are often refered to as "bloodworms" in Asian countries because of their red color.

01-14-2005, 11:58 PM
I humbly stand corrected :) Remember your pics Annon with the worms entwined within the sponge... lol I've never seen live bloodworms for sale, I used to get live glass worms but can't find them anymore either :confused: I'll have to keep a lookout.. someone posted awhile back they were feeding live glassworms and I remember my Discus loved them :D