View Full Version : Are these eggs????

01-16-2005, 03:15 AM

Are these eggs fertilized? For some reason they are, this time, a translucent color. I noticed the mom has been a little aggressive at getting the attention of two males. But none so far seem to want to do their thing.

01-16-2005, 03:17 AM
I've noticed that when the parents leave the heater the small juli corys go up under the heater and pick at the heater in an intense desperation. I wonder if they're having A la Caviar. :confused: :confused:


01-16-2005, 03:21 AM
Here are the prospects (males) available Red Tomato and Tangerine/Golden). I wonder who is willing. So far it has been about 10 hours and no one is willing. :(

01-16-2005, 11:45 AM
Hi Angie,

Are you talking about what's on the underside of the heater? I don't see anything that looks like eggs. :confused:


01-16-2005, 04:54 PM
I go wit oodi!!

Barb Newell
01-16-2005, 05:15 PM
I can't see them either Angie :)


01-16-2005, 07:30 PM
Angie.. could be air bubbles, especially if it's a new high wattage heater. I know my 500 watt Titaniums produced surface bubbles for some time when they were new .. at first it confused the heck out of the male.. he wasn't sure if they were eggs either :D


01-17-2005, 12:18 AM
Hi, folks:

I know it looks a lot like airbubbles, but it's been now over 30 hours and they're still sitting there. Airbubbles usually expands once the temps are high. This is not airbubbles (confirmed). This is not a new heater either. It's been in the tank since two years now. ;)

They're translucent eggs. I'm losing them slowly too. One by one they come off the heater and float onto the top part of water where the catfish eats them. It could be that one of my juli corys had spawn and I didn't know why I was seeing them all gathered under the heater. :(

However, the goldens are shivering and the cobalt seems to not be interested in the golden but has taste for my tomato red! :D The golden wants the cobalt blue to spawn but he/she doesn't (now I'm not certain if the cobalt blue is girl). Seems like it's a boy because tomato red is always at the emperor 400 filter pipe kissing it clean! A lot happening right now for me. Unexpectingly too.

I'll keep getting the pictures (if I can).


01-18-2005, 11:05 PM
Well, it's now Tuesday and what is left is as I've seen but less of it.

Funny thing ... none of the juli cats returned to the area and the goldens seem to keep eyes on the heater and even do their "shakes."

If they're eggs I don't want to disturb it.


01-18-2005, 11:09 PM
The Juli cats were in that area under the heater in a school with excitement. Days later (now) they're no where in this vicinity only the goldens and they're very defensive of this area. Surprisingly, I had snapped this picture while the wilds were being chased from the goldens and they ended up in the area where the "airfarts" or "eggs" are layed. Within seconds all has changed. Goldens resumed their place.


01-19-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi angie.

i dont think discus eggs are that big and they are oveasly not fertile so if i wher you i would bring the heater up to the surface or out of the water (unplugged of course) and examine it.

just me 2 cents.


01-19-2005, 10:31 PM
Well, when I disturbed the atmosphere here's what I've got: Gel-like eggs not at all fertilized. Could have been the other fish in the tank (clown loaches?? or Julii Corys?? I don't know). In the meanwhile, I have to get another memory card cause I filled up digicard to max. I'll try and post some pictures probably tomorrow or over the weekend.

Thank you all for your ears! :ears:


01-20-2005, 12:02 AM
The plot thickens! ;)

Hey Angie I can pretty much guarantee you it wasn't your loachs...possible it was your Cory's...you might want to put them in their own tank and see what happens.


01-20-2005, 09:30 PM
i used to have cories breeding in my discus tanks all the time.

my cories never picked a spicifec spot for ther eggs they would just come out of the corie and stick to ther anal fin than they would scatter the eggs all over the tank some would stick to the glass(but never in the same area or in a group) and others would scatter all over.

thats y it doesent look like corie eggs to me but you never no mine could have wacked out or something.

01-21-2005, 03:39 AM
hi Angie,

In my experince I am still breeding with cory catfish as well Panda, Julio, brozen, albino, etc. They spawn on glass they despost eggs about 8 to 20 small circle everywhere glass oif tank as bottom, sides, etc. Discus's eggs are bigger than cory's eggs size.

about 60 hours hatch, let them free swimming in 3 days to start feed them with crash find powder food for 2 to 3 days to start feed BBS



01-21-2005, 11:07 PM
Thanks folks for your good advice.

I am terribly sad tonite. Had a tragic experiment go wrong. Not what I intended to happen. It's one problem to another and another.

Sad to say, my tank is finished. I only have one lonely blue ram left.

With my anxiety I've toppled over into the tank the bleach water solution that I dipped onto a cloth and then rinsing it off in dirty bucket water to rid the algae growth on the glass. I didn't think it would ever happened but it did. The bottle spilled while my back turned away; after fighting terribly two hours of siphoning the tank water and returning in buckets the fresh water it was a total tiring event for me.

I learn fully now never to again have a bottle of such any where by the tank. And best, leave the algae alone, it did no harm to the fish as they like algae to spawn (so long as it's not overcom by algae). Wiping it down with simply cloth is better than what I've been doing.

*angie* :( :( :(


01-23-2005, 12:42 AM
I am sorry.

i know what is is like to loos a tank of fish but i hope you will get every thing going again and get some nice spawns.

01-23-2005, 02:13 AM

My wife and I just read your post and we feel just terrible for you. Thank you for sharing the photos of your fish with us, it is evident from those pictures what a fantastic discus keeper you are.

Kevin and Katie

01-23-2005, 01:53 PM
I'm very sorry Angie.

Wahter: You're cruel.


01-23-2005, 03:10 PM
I'm very sorry Angie.

Wahter: You're cruel.


Yeah, I'm just a big bad wolf for pointing out that a few people in the past have tried to warn her that using bleach to clean a tank while the fish are in the tank is dangerous, etc..... :confused:

01-23-2005, 04:05 PM
Very uncouth.


01-23-2005, 07:17 PM
Very uncouth.


Well, I won't appologize any more. I'm one of those people who still think kids should be raised by their parents, not the schools, and spanked when they misbehave. If bringing up the fact that other people have commented on this forum (if the search engine would be able to pull previous postings that Angie did as frygirl, you'd see that there are indeed posts where people warned her about her practice of using bleach while the fish are inside the tanks - they also warned her about her use of tea tree oil) is a mistake, well, then I made a mistake.

I did say I was sorry she lost her fish. I won't say, "please go on and continue using bleach to clean the tanks out while the fish are inside and if you have another incident where the bleach spills into the tank, well, it's not your fault for having a toxic chemical so close to your fish tank". If someone has a faulty heater and continues to use it, even though you advise them not to, and then later on they fry their fish, is it cruel to remind them that we did warn them?

You have a right to your opinion, just as I have a right to mine. I won't go into insulting or name calling, etc...

01-24-2005, 11:32 PM
Thanks for posting an offense for me, Jules and all, but I take the blame in this round. It was my fault for sure Walt. But my maintainance has been a success after two years and I take the credit for this too.

I feel that now when I am drained or not up to doing something, that this is a tell-tale sign of trouble to come forth. I really wasn't feeling well all week but took liberty to try and clear the blue/green/brown algae in the tank. I have my kids not feeling well and me and the other kids (discus, that is) in dirty water. Yes, it was totally unallowed to have such bottle of bleach-water solvent near the tank. But i didn't think it would fall into the tank while I held onto the towel cleaning the glass lid! I didn't think I was inadequate. I thought I can do it all before the storm hit on Saturday.

Well, Walt I dig you and others for lamenting on me about chems. I clearly understand the negative and positive effects. You best believe me that I will be more aware of my use of them and be more alert on my tiredness as well.

In regards to returning to my tank and filling up again... not now. It's hard to start again. I may just have it running and leaving the driftwood in the tank just to have that feeling that they'll come back again (besides it was the best way to get a good night's sleep). I got a few sources of discus breeders' names and numbers and I know they'll assure me never again do the bleach-water solvent ever. I just got to come up with the doe-re-mo-nee.



P.S. To those old timers, like my Hawaiian doll Ike, don't go nowhere! It's everywhere the fun of duking it all out in the forums. I would miss you terribly if you leave so don't. LOL I would have loved to see the frybabies of these two (my Tomato Red from Heppner & a Cobalt I got from Petlands; oh the pain do hurt so bad thinking of it over and over and over in my head.)