View Full Version : fin shape?

01-29-2005, 10:04 PM
Does it mean anything if a discus' pectoral fins are "S" shaped? By this i mean that from where they are attached to the body to the tip of the fins is curved in this "S" shape. it almost comes to the point at the end. Anyone seen this. I have seen it on other species of big fish. The discus is around 5 inches. THANKS

01-30-2005, 12:30 PM
I have seen this in many angelfish and always attributed it to genetic defects from constant inbreeding.

A couple of years ago, I saw it in a batch of discus fry I had. There was no chance of inbreeding with these fish. The female was from GLD and the male was bought locally here in Wa. state 5 years prior.

This batch of fry was an experimental group. I was mixing a large amount of calcium in the food mix I made. I added two different amino acids in as well. These amino acids are precursors to a protien which is found in GH.

The pectoral fins were deformed as you mentioned. I also had discus that had the shape of angelfish, very high, pointed dorsals as well as deep, pointed anal fins. All were destroyed after about 12-13 weeks.