View Full Version : I cannot believe what I saw

01-30-2005, 02:18 AM
What I saw was --- my 3.5" female MR juv paried off with a 4.5" male (her sibling) and behaved like she was laying egg.

The long story: I got seven 1"-2" MR juvs from a local breeder in October last year. They were raised as a group in a 55g tank since October. They were feeded bh, frozen BW, and tetra bit only. They were never hormoned.

This afternoon, I saw that a small, 3.5" female working very hard to clean the outside wall of intake tube of the power filter. A 4.5" male was nearby and they did a lot of dancing like a bonded breeding pair. The female eventually behaved like it was laying egg (althoug I did not saw any egg, it did use its reproductive tube to touch the intake tube of the filter). I had 4 breeding pairs and know what I am talking about. I still cannot believe that a 3.5" female and a 4.5" male would perform all these sexual act?

Anyone have similar experience? Are they just early matured teenager? or something else.


01-30-2005, 02:41 AM
What I saw was --- my 3.5" female MR juv paried off with a 4.5" male (her sibling) and behaved like she was laying egg.

The long story: I got seven 1"-2" MR juvs from a local breeder in October last year. They were raised as a group in a 55g tank since October. They were feeded bh, frozen BW, and tetra bit only. They were never hormoned.

This afternoon, I saw that a small, 3.5" female working very hard to clean the outside wall of intake tube of the power filter. A 4.5" male was nearby and they did a lot of dancing like a bonded breeding pair. The female eventually behaved like it was laying egg (althoug I did not saw any egg, it did use its reproductive tube to touch the intake tube of the filter). I had 4 breeding pairs and know what I am talking about. I still cannot believe that a 3.5" female and a 4.5" male would perform all these sexual act?

Anyone have similar experience? Are they just early matured teenager? or something else.


Hi Terry,

Sure have; they test the waters and really begin mating heavy in weeks nearby. Just keep a look out for signs of aggressiveness. Because it sounds like you have more than two pairs in your tank. Do what you've been doing all along and you'll be just fine. But of course if you see "fights" get a breeding tank set up from now on... still in all you should have one set up just in case you have to interrupt the feud.

Good luck and keep us posted. *Angie*

01-31-2005, 01:44 AM
Hi Angie,

Thanks. What surprised me was their young age. These two fish are still in the grow-out tank. They are only about 6 months old. They were local breeded and have never been hormined. So, I just don't know why they started these activities so early. I would expect they be sexually matured when they are about a year old. Six-month is just too yound for discus to breed.


01-31-2005, 03:09 AM
Hi Terry,

I am sorry I had no experince about 6 months old discus can laid eggs. I am surprised you got them. BUT the males will not feritred they are too young wait till matured at 12 months old or older!

Let me ask you a questions

What size did you buy discus from your location discus breeder?

do you know how old that size discus you bought?

that is very interested to hear.. Let me know if your male can ferited on eggs. you should watch them.



01-31-2005, 12:47 PM
Hi Terry,

I too had some juveniles spawn in the growout tank, but they were closer to 4 / 4.5 inches. A friend told me this was indicative of hormoned fish, but the breeder I bought them from (very reputable) says this is not the case. Only downside he tells me is that once they spawn they stop growing... which seems to be the case so far...

01-31-2005, 02:13 PM
The female did not actually lay eggs. But, they (both the male and female) acted like that are spawing - they cleaned the intake tube of the power filter, they danced like a breeding pair, the egg tube of the female was clearly visible, the female acted like she was laying egg on the power fileter water intake tube, she and the male guarded the area that they "laid egg". I got the fish from a local hobbist when they was about 1". I am very sure they were not hormined. Maybe, they are just doing "typical" teenager thing - exploring sex. They parents are big and I hope they can grow to about 6".


01-31-2005, 02:49 PM
Sounds like a case of puberty setting in. Animals will go "through the motions" even before they know what they are doing. You've probably seen puppies or young dogs do the same thing. Only exception is cats...I'll swear they are fertile when they are born. (If I could figure out how to insert a smiley here, I would have)


01-31-2005, 06:43 PM
That is very intertested in to hear. Honest with you I dont have any experince with smallest discus a like 3" about 6 months old their first spawn. I know all my discus their first spawn after 9 months old since their birth date where i got thsoe fish are come from.

I perfer to have all my discus are BIG more than 5" to up they can spawn and great offsrpings would be no problems.

If I have smaller than 5" discus spawn to have babies I would not breed them. I will give them away.

Maybe I am wrong if you try to breed your small discus . what happend the offsprings would be bigger than the parents?

I am sorry to say that.. that is my in opinion. My respect you, you can breed them that you are enjoy with them.


02-01-2005, 08:21 AM
Once the females actually lay eggs, their growth slows down significantly.

02-01-2005, 02:54 PM

I am not intented to breed them, althought I think it would be cute to have mini discus with good body shape and color. I just think it is funny to see these two juvs acting as if they were spawning. Getting some mini discus with full grown body shape and color may be a new challenge for discus breeder.
