View Full Version : Cyclop-Eeze?

Darrell Ward
02-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Has anyone ever fed cyclop-eeze to growing discus? It's said to have the highest levels of HUFA's, especially those in Omega-3 of any frozen food. Somewhat pricey, but it seems like it would be a great growth food. Just wondering.

Darrell Ward
02-03-2005, 02:26 PM
Geez, no one answers someone new on this forum? I guess I'm not welcome here.

02-03-2005, 05:55 PM
I've been feeding Cyclop-Eeze to my reef fish for about 3 months now, and the colors are absolutely amazing!! I started 2 weeks ago feeding my discus tank with it and could not believe the difference. I have cardinal tetras that the red was all but gone (looked more like old neons as opposed to cardinals) and they colored up fantastic. The discus seem to like it and are coloring up nicely too. I would follow the manufactures instructions though, and only feed it as 20-30% of daily intake. A friend of mine who only keeps reef fish only fed it to his percula clowns for over 1 month straight as their only source of food and they are almost red!! They look like they're hormoned! I don't know if this is bad for them or not, but it looks very unnatural. I would imagine that not too many people use it on a regular basis as it is quite expensive (I'm paying $19.99 canadian for a little can!)
My 2cents.

02-03-2005, 07:18 PM
Darrell, there is already another thread on Cyclop-eeze in the Foods and Nutritions forum. Search the forum for cyclop-eeze and you'll find it. There are otheres using this food as well.
By the way, I'm talking about using the flake version of the product for fish. There is a powdered form as well that is good for fry and corals/inverts.

Darrell Ward
02-04-2005, 02:23 AM
Ok great! Thanks guys.