View Full Version : Update from Joanna

02-03-2005, 02:35 PM
Hi Guys,
Well I went to feed the fish this morning and as usual they both came to my hand but then one quickly chased the other away - and then came back to eat. Every time the other one tried to get near he was quickly chased away again. I made sure the other one was fed by waving some bloodworm his way, but to be honest this was the last straw, I returned the fish to the shop this afternoon!! Had I known what keeping discus can be like I would definitely not have bought them, I can see now with what you have told me that there are many things still to be learned, if I decide to try again I shall do it all very differently, go to a discus breeder, get them all from the same place (these are things I didn't know).
Thanks Guys, you have taught me a lot. For now though Adios. :wave:


02-03-2005, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry to here about that. Hopefully when you get your next Discus bug everything will workout. I wish you the best of luck :)