View Full Version : Is it safe to mix salt and prazi?

02-07-2005, 02:54 AM
I have a discus that has a clear white tube like thing comming out of it's vent, it looks like it may be part of a worm or something. I was going to treat with prazi, but I am already treating the tank with salt for a damaged gill on one of my discus. Is it safe to mix them?


02-07-2005, 01:23 PM
Hi Russ,
The answer is yes, but I would hold off on treating with Prazi. Hollow clear Feces like tubing is intestinal lining and that is shed for a variety of reasons. Worms aren't all of them and IMO Prazi is of little use with that problem.

It may resolve itself. If it persists for more than a few days then medications may be needed.

What kind of damage to the gills are you treating with salt? and how much salt?


02-07-2005, 08:13 PM
And why salt?

02-08-2005, 02:55 AM
I made a mistake a few days ago, my ph is only stable around 7.8 with addition of crushed coral to raise a KH that is only around 2, and in one of my tanks I took out the bag holding the coral and forgot to put it back for 3 days and my ph crashed. All the discus are fine but one has what looks like the inside of his gill sticking out on one side of his gill plate, it's whitish/pink in color, someone told me it may be a kind of ph burn from the sudden changes in ph and said I should try 1/2 cup salt per 10 gallons since he seems fine otherwise and is eating and hanging out with the other discus .
I believe you are right about the intestinal lineing, it happened on a day I was fasting them and later examined it and it was like mucus.


02-08-2005, 11:06 AM
Hi Russ,

Some background on salt and discus....

Some here would argue against Usefulness and safety of salt, much of their concerns is based on Discus coming from water with a very low conductivity... salt drastically increases conductivity and this may harm discus.. This is a very valid concern. Its also thought that salt may harm the kidneys in the freshwater fish by putting osmotic strain on them ...I've looked into that but haven't seen anything scientific yet. It should also be noted that the much use epsom salt (for bloat) also has a similar effect

There are also many others that do use salt to treat certain ailments. I'm one of them... and have for years.. under certain conditions and for certain durations. Its one of those issues that is at times polar. .... I can only share with you my experiences ... In this case I don't think this is the right appliacation for using it nor is it a good concentration, IME.

At most, I would use salt for very severe parasites or bacteria treatments at the dose of 1 tablespoon/1 gal water for a duration of less than a week......theres about 12 tablespoons in 1 cup..so you may be overdosing on the salt. I will note it here that if possible...a salt dip, short term.. very high concentration is best for parasites , but the fish must be put into a clean tank after, not always possible.

I think your fish may have a bacterial infection in the gills...inflammations like that usually indicate bacteria....If it was ammonia burns, the fins would most likely also show damage as well as the slime coat and eyes.

hth and doesn't confuse the issue any,

02-08-2005, 11:28 AM
Prazipro is a solution of salt and prazi I believe.