View Full Version : Calcium in tap water

02-07-2005, 11:46 PM
i was just courious, i heard from a few friends that they think there fish grow faster because they have more calcium in tap water than r/o water. Is this true? what do you think or what has been your experience? will r/o right add calcium or do you need another additive? what do you keep you grow out tanks at as far as ph, ppm, microseims, temp, alkinity, calcium? thanks

02-08-2005, 09:50 AM
:D Hi, I think you're friends are on the right track. R/O water is not good for fish, esp. growouts, they need that calcium & magnesium as well as other trace minerals. Remeber you have stripped out all the minerals as well as the nasties when you put it thru the membrane, that's it's job. So, you must add to the R/O water to bring it back to a life supporting medium. I don't use the R/O Right, so I can't advise there, my needs would make it too expensive. I'm using Joe's (enchanted discus) recipe, with Calcium sulfate, calcium chloride (or just aquarium salt) & magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) in a 3:1:2: ratio, & it's been working well for sev'l years. Wish I could use some tap water also & I'm working on that, many pple add it to the R/O water to put back trace minerals. I've been keeping the ppms around 300+ for my fish, the ph stays at 7.2 & the temp usually is 84-86*. HTH, Dottie :)

02-09-2005, 02:59 PM
Yeah, I too use Joe's recipe for growouts. Otherwise my tap water is neutral soft. My my how my little ones are growing.
