View Full Version : Day 2

02-09-2005, 07:13 PM
This pair just received last Thursday laid eggs yesterday. This is a pic from day two, after the two were removed from 120g QT tank and placed in their own with the cone. (They were QT'd with another pair both purchased from Carolina Discus) Took them about 20 seconds to resume fanning of the eggs. I only see two eggs so far that do not look to be fertile, so wish me luck!
I have not been able to figure out how to use this new camera's focus without the flash yet, so my apologies on the glare. If you look closely you can see the 2 white eggs towards the center of cluster.
They tolerated the move well. If all goes well, this will be my first breeding experience!!
No fungus yet....and I hope not to get any, as I can't find Meth blue anywhere locally:(

Sorry, had to edit and re-add pic for you fast readers out there:)

02-09-2005, 08:27 PM
How exciting for you - I hope you get wigglers :)

02-09-2005, 08:58 PM
Very cool they are both awesome looking fish. May i ask what type of discus is the blue one in pic(i am thinking blue pand?


02-09-2005, 10:03 PM
She's actually a white pigeon....there is a better pic of her in "breeders, sponsers and vendors section under "a few pairs for sale". This pair was the first of the three offered for sale there. The pics don't do em justice I don't think, as I was pleasantly surprised when I received them:)


02-09-2005, 10:47 PM
Great news Robin! :thumbsup:

Keep us posted! :bounce:


02-10-2005, 12:26 AM
You have great looking fish.

02-10-2005, 10:56 AM
Eggs didn't turn white after 24hours....it is now 12 hours from hatching period approximately, and at the rate the eggs are turning white now, I don't think any will make it. I don't see any fuzzy white, (fungus) but am thinking this is my culprit? GH is 6. Meaning it takes 6 drops to turn the test from pink to blue. Is this too hard? The nice little dark-centered eggs are turning as well. As this is a proven good pair, and good parents it must have something to do with our water here. Any fix-its would be nice. I am aging/heating/aerating my water that is run through a small sediment filter when it is filled. Should I break down and get an ro?

The rate the eggs are turning white is rather rapid...ie, as of 4 am this morning 10 were white, 5 am 16 where white, it is now 10 am and about 70% has turned:( I would suspect fungus at this point, but none of the eggs are fuzzy. They were due to start hatching at around 10pm this evening....:(

02-10-2005, 01:23 PM
My gH is 6 and my eggs hatch fine, but that doesn't mean yours will. What about temperature? Anything outside of 82-84 C usually goes white.

You best answer for paramaters are Carolina discus. No two pairs are alike. Also keep in mind that they've just moved, and may have regressed a little bit in their spawning. The great news is that they're both being attentive with the eggs. The male just may need to "get it up" a little better next time.

You often hear of pairs being transported and never spawning again in their new environment. You were wise to buy the pair you did, as they obviously were extremely good parents to begin with.

Get your paramaters like Carolina discus, and have patience. They may have a few practice goes in their new home.

p.s....I'm interested in this particular cross. I have something similar going myself. Keep me updated!

02-10-2005, 02:45 PM
Hi Robin,

Yes...fungus is the first problem. Time to clean the cone off and get ready for the next round. If you haven't already done so, get yourself some Methylene Blue...this can be squirted directly onto the clutch aprox. an hour after the male has finished fertilizing the eggs.


02-10-2005, 02:46 PM
kk...heat was at 85-86. Well I know better for next time:(


02-14-2005, 02:46 PM
Update....Pigeon pair is respawning as we speak....Valentines day gift to me:) Lets hope I do better, but.......even nicer......The other pair I purchased from Carolina Discus are a little bit less mature with their parenting...but so far so good. Mama doin her thang here.....

02-14-2005, 02:48 PM
Daddy here....:) Sorry about the water stains on the glass ..... but there is no way I am cleaning it now!!

Double Valentines day here....Think the cupid visited!!

02-14-2005, 02:53 PM
Now...which tank do I watch? lol

02-14-2005, 03:50 PM
Golden parents are bickering over parenting duties. Nothing real violent...but any suggestions welcome:) Meantime, I'm leaving em to bicker.


02-14-2005, 05:35 PM
Let them try to settle it. If they start to hurt each other you can pull one or try a divider in the tank.

02-18-2005, 04:48 AM
Both tanks are free swimming now....OMG!! How the heck do I do their water changes today?? LOL

Will post pics when they find their parents tomorrow!! Hopefully:)


02-19-2005, 04:38 PM
Going on 48 hours free swimming now...Just had to remove my pigeon female from the tank, she ate 80%. Is it normal for the babies to swim in circles? Just doesn't seem they are getting enough swim action. They are either in the corners at the top, or flopping on the bottom. Gonna throw the hat in on these ones, as I'm not prepared for artificial at the moment. Dad was going around trying to round em up, but I think even he has given up. He just ignores em now. There is a bit of fungus debris on the bottom from the unhatched eggs that seem to get all over the babies. I guess next time I hit harder with Meth blue. Mom kept blowing them in the small area with the fuzz to keep them together. I am thinking this was not good? As the babies got coated with it, and I am thinking that might be the swimming problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated, so as I am prepared for next round.
Gonna keep daddy with em till I don't see anymore. But they are way past the point of needing to eat.


02-19-2005, 05:08 PM
Hi Robin,.
I can't say much on this matter aa it is my first attempt also., I wish you luck with your fry and sorry to hear that mom got hungry:( Maybe next time it will work out better.

02-19-2005, 07:38 PM
Robin, I bought frozen mysis shrimp for my baby discus, age 38 days. I rinsed them off under tap water, and put them in the tank. The mysis are much bigger than brine shrimp. Parents are still with the babies so I'm not sure who ended up eating the mysis. Do you cut up the mysis at all or leave them whole??

This is my VERY first spawn of discus so I can't answer your question re: combining spawns of babies.. :0) Thanks, David

02-19-2005, 08:13 PM
I leave them whole. My quarter-sized juvies tear em up. But I should think the smaller peices should be fine when feeding the adults.
