View Full Version : adamant Flagellates

02-10-2005, 07:54 AM
Some of my tanks effected with Flagellates. I treated them with 500 mg metro/10gal once a day for 5 days with 34`C (93.2F). After that they recovered but after a few days they fall at problem again.
I treated one tank with 500mg/10gal 3 times in a day. After a few days I lost all of them. About 12 4" fishes.
Now I dont know if continue this kind of treatment or not? If not what kind of treatment will help me?
I heard that metro can treat only Spiro nucleus & Tricomonas and it doesn't any effect on Bodomonas. Correct me if I am wrong.
Any advices

02-10-2005, 08:34 AM
Keep temp elevated for 10 days after treatment.

02-10-2005, 04:48 PM
Recommend you send a fish off to the lab for examination. No one can evaluate what is wrong with your fish over the internet.

Best of luck,

02-10-2005, 04:48 PM
If there were that many fish afflicted at the same time , then I do not think it was hexamita or any other parasite. I think you have a case of an internal bacterial infection in the tank, probably from something fed.


02-10-2005, 04:59 PM

Yes, based upon testing at the Univ of Florida, Metronidazole is an effective treatment for Trichomonas and Spiro. They have done some other testing on medications for other parasites, specifically R Yanong. You may want to check out the papers he has written or contact them to have a couple of your discus evaluated. Sounds like you have this in several tanks and sacrificing a couple fish may save you some serious money purchasing medications that may or may not work.

It is not very expensive to have the fish examined, probably less than some of the meds you may be buying.

Best of luck,

02-10-2005, 05:04 PM
You can see some of his pictures before treating
I think I venenated that tank. Day couldn't tolerate the med.
All the affected fish have lived together for a short time. (I think about 2 or 3 weeks)

02-10-2005, 05:13 PM
There is a extreme amount of knowledge on this board. However, there are new developments in parasitology that are still being researched. The researchers don't even have all the answers and sometimes there just is no legal medicine to treat the ailment.

As an importer, I like to have fish examined to make sure they will not infect my others with unknown problems. Using a laboratory that can diagnose and provide treatment makes much more sense than subjecting the fish to unknown treatments. Causing them even more stress and weakening them to the point where they then develop secondary problems.

I hope you are able to bring them back to health.
