View Full Version : One male, two females. Who gets the guy?

02-10-2005, 05:04 PM
I have a male Maze that used to be paired with a nice Eruption. They went through an egg eating faze and eventualy started careing for the eggs, cleaning them and fanning them, but the male wasn't mature enough yet. They quit spawning on there own and he started flirting with the only other Eruption in the tank (Guess he likes spots too) and now they are paired. His "X" acted a bit out of sorts for awhile but now is interested in spawning again, but her mate is spoken for. When I do start my first designated breeding tank, should I put him in with his old girl, since they've been through the egg eating stage and I know were at least trying to care for their eggs together? Or place him with his new girl and see what happens? What would you experienced breeders do?


02-10-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi kaceyo, how are you?

I would leave them in tank let them to pair up unitl he finds a right lady for him. They need to learn to protect eggs and wrigglers when they have lot of experince to care of eggs and wrigglers then you can pull them in breeding tank.

