View Full Version : why are they breath so fast?

02-10-2005, 09:43 PM
Hi everyone I need your help and feedback for my custmor,

I sent 10 pieces of 1 1/2" to 1 3/4" discus. they were in bag for 13 hours. 5 disucs are eatting another 5 discus are not eatting.

5 discus are change color darker and breath fast.

5 are eating and 5 are not...a few are a bit dark and breathing fast while a few are ok
what do you think? Should i separate the little ones and treat the ones that are dark with Melafix in a separate tank with same water conditions????

only 5 eat right now....ammonia nothing nitrite was 0.1 gonna do water change after last time trying to feed here(just tested)

he thinks putting melafix in will help?
I think gills may be burned from ammonia in toxic bags?

They just breathing a bit fast and there are a few that are dark, don't eat
and breathing like crazy's....
still have lots of shipping stress?

which i can't understand they looked good in bags but my thing is how long they live without food before they die or get bad....
They are still stress
He Thinks he should separate the darker ones?

there poo is still dark looking

they breathing is to fast to eat....that is what my dad thinks...

But the half of them are doing awesome and those Wild blue X BD is soooooo sweete looking i love'em!

Please reply back ASAP



02-10-2005, 11:29 PM
Hi Duncan,

These are the fish sent to Marco no? He mentioned in another thread they are doing better now.

Sounds like nothing more than your basic shipping stress. 13 hours isn't that long in comparison to some fish I've seen stuck in shipping hell for days, and still come through fine. Even during short ship times, oxygen content drops, ammonia levels rise etc.

Some fish go right in the tank like nothing ever happened and start eating right away, while others take longer to acclimate. No reason to medicate...just a little patience, fresh water, and a clean tank. :)


02-10-2005, 11:46 PM
hi Howie,

Yes I shipped the fish to Marco, He said that his fish are doing well now. I told him give them lot of water change add 1 or 2 TBS of salt per 10 gallon.

what I had figured out why his fish breath so fast? I checked my babies they are doing fine. also I had test on my fish in bag for 16 hours how is it doing so far. I said it looks ok to me, one fish are fine and no probems. before I sent the fish to marco. He is so happy with so fish.

I told him yes its a good idea to put melfixa to them. It is good postive for them to keep clean, kill betreica, etc.

thank you for your feedback.
