View Full Version : Filtration overkill?

02-12-2005, 02:45 AM
Hello everyone,

I just set up the filtration on my 75g tank. I've got a Hydro IV sponge filter and AC 110 running right now. Is this overkill? I am considering using two Hydro IV sponge filters and not using the AC 110 at all.

I plan on growing out about 10 Discus to adult size in my 75g.


02-12-2005, 02:54 AM
I don't think you could have too much filtration. I think it's always good to have more in the event you want to move a filter to a new tank or something like that. I guess you would just have to do a little more upkeep on the filters to keep them clean. Thats just my opinion :)

I would keep what you have going and still add the new filter also.

02-12-2005, 11:07 AM
i use 2 hydro V in my 75

02-12-2005, 12:02 PM
I have 40, two inch juvies crammed into a 75 right now with an A/C 110 and four Hydro V's.

There is absolutely no such thing as too much filtration. This gives your biological filter as much substrate as it needs to maximize its output of nitrates. As your fish grow, so does your bioload, and thus, your bio filter.

Finally, Hydro's make remarkably good mechanical filters... which is handy when you are growing out juvies and dumping large amounts of food into the tank. Just be sure to keep 'em clean. :)


02-14-2005, 04:06 PM
The more bio capacity in your system... the better :)

02-14-2005, 05:05 PM
It's always good to have extra Hydro's running...they also come in handy if you want to start up a new tank or have an emergency and need to transfer a fish to a hospital set-up.


02-14-2005, 05:17 PM
I'm in the same boat that there is no such thing as too much filtration :) . I have a Filstar XP3 canister with a sponge pre-filter and a Penguin 330 on my 50 and started up a hydro IV sponge in it to get it colonized for another tank. Man, I can already see an improvement after adding the extra sponge and after this I may put another in this tank permanently :) . So hmmmm, the only time it's too much is if it moves the fish around or takes too much space for them to swim around? LOL!

02-14-2005, 05:29 PM
A Hydro and the Aqua Clear 110 sound fine to me :)

02-14-2005, 06:02 PM
I've decided to add another Hydro IV. So right now, I've got the AC 110 hanging off the left side of the tank and the two Hydros on the right corners of the tank. I now have 2 20g tanks below and would like to use one of the Hydros in the open 20g if something comes up or for quarantine purposes. My only concern is that the added filters will limit the swim space for the fish. I was debating putting the Hydro IV into the 20g tank with a brick for breeding and it just doesn't look like there's enough room..

I may be adding 10 1.5 inch Discus to my 75g tomorrow!! Going to visit Cliff's Discus in SF tomorrow. However, I've got concerns regarding the cycling of the tank. I've got a RENA Filstar XP2 with sponges and ceramic bio noodles that has been set up in my 36g corner tank for about 1 year. I'm planning on using the sponges from that filter and replacing 1 of my AC sponges with the XP2 sponges. Do you think this will be enough to handle the load of the 10 Discus until my other sponges have a chance to build the bacteria? I'm also considering adding some biospira after the fish are added for safety measures..

02-14-2005, 07:02 PM
If you are going to visit Cliff then you should expect to leave with fish. :D

Instead of using a brick for your spawning substrate, maybe consider a piece of slate that you can lean up against the glass or a narrow pot or spawning cone.
