View Full Version : KH and GH levels for breeding?

mike J
02-14-2005, 05:03 PM
I recently put a pair of discus into thier own tank, hopefully a breeding pair will result. I am wondering what sort of KH and GH levels are needed for succesful breeding and growing of fry.

Currently my tap water is (gh 2) (KH 7) (PH 7.8). I can use r/o water to lower the KH if need be, but that will also lower the GH. Can a very low GH level cause problems for me?

If anyone has any advice they could offer on this subject I would really appreciate it.

02-14-2005, 05:33 PM
You have to worry about pH crash is very soft water. Eggs will hatch just fine in your water.

mike J
02-14-2005, 10:53 PM
thanks for the answer carol, I'm just not clear on one thing here.
I thought ph crashes were a result of low KH levels not low gh levels.

02-15-2005, 06:08 PM
Most times low GH and low KH go hand in hand . . .