View Full Version : Worms

02-14-2005, 07:08 PM
I saw the worm pics, and noticed that one of my fish has that same problem. How do I fix it and what does it come from. I only have Discus in my tank and they have all been raised together, no new fish. My Ammonia and nitrate/nitrite levels are good and my tempature is around 83.So whatbrought this on and how do I stop it. The LFS say's to add methenol (I think) to thier food and tank. is this the right answer??

02-14-2005, 08:00 PM

I hope the LFS didn't tell you to add methenol.. lol REALLY hope you didn't :D One of two things they may have told you (guessing here) would be either methylene blue, or, metro... If they said food and tank, most likely it was metro... (it has a much longer official name that I'm not even going to try and spell w/o a label in front of me :D )

Are the "worms" white stringy feces, or, are they really worms. A couple shots on the other thread looked like worms (as I recall on #2 it looked like a tapeworm head on the end), a couple (like #4) may have been white stringy feces.... I need new glasses so it was tough to tell :p

The fish can co-exist with either, until something else weakens their immune systems and the "worms" get out of control..

If tapeworms, use Prazi - if white stringy feces it would indicate intestinal flagelites in which case Metro and high heat (92+) would be called for. You might want to post some pics and let a few people get a look see before embarking on either treatment.


02-14-2005, 08:36 PM
I swear they said it was methenol and they just gave me the pills not a whole bottle. I have already thrown them away, so no worries. As for pics this is all I have and its not that good.....


So any suggestions????

02-15-2005, 06:12 PM
get rid of the gravel? I can't tell from the picture what that is. If long strings of mucus (does it squish between your finger like snot?) then metronidazole (sold as metrozole among other names) If actual worms they are firm then treat with prazi.

02-15-2005, 08:47 PM
I like my gravel thank you very much, not everyone needs to have BB tanks. As for the topic it is snout like and have already started treating with metrozole. Thanks for all the help! :)