View Full Version : tap water question...

02-15-2005, 03:12 PM
I know your suppose to age water before you put it into your tank but living in NYC, i just have no space to do that. so what i have been doing is first running the tap water and putting a thermometer while the water is running till i get it to the right temp, then use the old python hose to go from sink to the tank. After its all set and done, water temp in tank stays the same and to get rid of the chlorine, I put strees coat. What other benefits are there in aging water? i've always thought it's just to get rid of chlorine.

02-15-2005, 03:17 PM
You should have great water in NYC. My only suggestion to you is that you change more frequently and never more than 20-30% over a 24 hr period.

take care,

02-15-2005, 05:03 PM
ageing water helps stablize ur ph by of gasing co2 .co2 will bring down the ph as we all know co2 is not good for fish. instead of a ph swing in the tank that will stress the fish it happens over night in the storage cantaner so when u change ur water u will not stress ur fish out with a ph swing . now if ur ph does not change after ageing. test ur ph out of tap then put some tap water in a container with a air stone over night if the ph stays the same u should be alright with tap water an dechlor good luck with ur water

02-15-2005, 05:21 PM
thanks for the quick advice!