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View Full Version : male picking on female after laying eggs

02-21-2005, 02:39 AM
Hi my Green Turks have finally laid eggs in a 55 gallon divided tank.Thier 1st spawn and a small batch. She is tore up on the sides from him nipping her to lay eggs. Now that she has laid them ,he won't let her near them..Is this normal for a beginning pair?? The red melon xred marlboro pair act as if they have done this many times working together,but not this pair..I have no where else to put her except in a 20 gallon with free swimmers from the red's 1st try .Those free swimmers are about 3 days old..
Any help would be nice...
Can I safely add salt to help her heal with wrigglers and eggs in the same tank??

02-21-2005, 02:42 AM
This is the tank and how it is divided is egg crate with sheer panty hose wrapped around it..Sounds funny but it works.The reds have the pot and the greens laid on glass.

02-21-2005, 12:01 PM
Yes, you can add one or two tablespoons of regular salt per 10 gallons. It will not hurt eggs or fry. (Epsom salt will make water hard). Every pair is different - hopefully he wil learn some manners . . .

02-21-2005, 10:49 PM
As of today he has begun to learn manners and lets her egg sit every once in a while. The free swimmers in the 20 gallon all died ,I couldn't feed them enough .. Tank was sparkling clean but not enough time to feed them properly. The reds are doing really well with theirs ,they have moved them around to the other side of the pot.How long should I leave the pot in after they go freeswimming?? The Greens are on the glass.
Thanks Debbie

02-22-2005, 05:58 PM
They like to park them on the pot sometimes - but it doesn't matter you can remove it any time.

02-22-2005, 06:01 PM
Well , I have an egg eater and don't know who..it's one of the Green turks , almost all their eggs are gone. Maybe next time they won't fight over them and then they can have wigglers.