View Full Version : 4 day old fry not attached yet:(

02-21-2005, 01:28 PM
Greetings all. I had chalked up my last two batches...1 due to fungus(I think) No replies to other thread...and one due to inexperience. To make a long story short....I pulled 20 fry from my goldens and placed them with pigeon's (proven good parents)
After a day or so....The pigeon female ate all the free-swimmers. I do know they were not swimming properly, but I only know that now. I left a small dime sized area of fungus, as it seemed the parents used this to keep way-faring wrigglers together. I now know, that this was improper.....not from forums, but because the babies when free-swimming were struggling with this nasty all over their heads. Next time no fungus for us!!

Meantime...in 120g only about 8 inches deep......(both pairs spawned within hours of each other) I had thought there were no babies left in tank with my new parents. They are new in every sense, but did manage to get to wriggler stage in community tank.

I netted both parents to move to their own breeding tank, and was about to start cleaning...w/c, sterilize to move my community into, when much to my surprise there were a ton of babies in the corner.

Needless to say, I re-netted parents and replaced them back into tank, adding extra Prime and cussing at myself thinking of the slimecoat damage I had done to them.

Today the fry are 4 days old (since free-swim) Parents do not eat them, but they do pick them up, travel 4 feet and deposit them in the same corner. However, they flick the babies off as soon as they land on the parents themselves almost as if they were parasite ridden...ie, baby settles in...goes for the landing...parent flicks and darts away.

I have been supplimenting with baby brineshrimp since I discovered them yesterday. Plans are to leave them with parents, but cannot tell at this point if they are getting nutrients from my suppliments or not. I guess my question is, how long can fry last without nutrients?

I am doing some things...ie...I know now that despite babies being attracted to dark things to feed on...they are attracted to light. Baby brine shrimp are also attracted to light, therefore, I turn off overhead, and place a small lamp near one corner...shrimp congregate here as well as the babies.

Another word.....
I do not work a normal job...I have tons of freetime....so any suggestions helpful:)

And Ginial if you read this....please keep updated on your luck with the liquifry and your artificial rearing of babies. I am curious, and if we are successful maybe we can trade some babies:)


02-21-2005, 06:15 PM
I would keep feeding newly hatched brineshrimp. You may want to move them, with the some of the current tank water, to a 10gal tank (or as small as you have). If they are eating the BBS, they do not need the parents. Since you have time on your hands, you can really spend some of it with extra feedings. Good luck.

02-21-2005, 11:02 PM
Hi Robin,
Great ,I'm glad to hear you have fry!!!!!! My freeswimmers in the 20 gallon all died from starvation. I work long hours and so I am hoping that the reds and green turks both do well parenting as I don't have the time right now to feed them. I do know that when I fed them they would eat the fry food. ( Kyorin brand first bites and HBH brand fry bites) I just couldn't feed enough times through the day.I will keep you updated on mine. What pair did you say these were from? The goldens... They will learn from experience.
Keep us updated I hope it works out for you...

02-22-2005, 07:17 AM
Robin, Any luck with your fry?? I would go with recommendation of small tank and live bbs. That's how I'm growing out my black DD fry. I was super lucky that my discus parents were model parents. They did everything correct every step of the way.

Its amazing how fry so tiny can eat the newly hatched bbs. You have to feed bbs soon to the discus fry anyway to suppliment their feedings. I can coach you on how to hatch the bbs but I have no luck getting many bbs to hatch. I think its the quality of the eggs. I bought them at the LFS instead of buying from a brine shrimp hatchery online.

02-22-2005, 07:31 AM
I've bred bettas from the 70's to 80's all reared artificially so me and bbs are quite familiar with each other. I hate these new hatcheries that are out now, but did find the one I use to use online so am ordering it. It's so simple to use...no airstones, no separating shells, etc. It's round, and eggs are placed in outter chamber. It looks a bit like a simple maze on the inside. In the middle is a strainer basket in a hole. The baby brine shrimp attracted to light swim to the hole leaving the egg shells in outter chamber. They hang around so nicely in the harvesting basket. Just lift, rinse and feed:) I guess old habits are hard to break...lol


02-22-2005, 01:59 PM
Hi Robin,
Could you post a picture of the hatchery you are talking about when you get it please. I would love to see it. It sounds alot easier than cola bottles


02-22-2005, 02:33 PM
here is Plastic clear soda pop for bbs hatchery.

02-22-2005, 02:34 PM
another one

02-22-2005, 02:35 PM
bbs in coffee filter

02-22-2005, 02:41 PM
hi Debbie,

You can see the second photo of bbs hatchery clear soda plastic pops. I use airline let them run for 16 to 24 hours depend on what tempture, if tempture too high the bbs will hatch so fast.

see photo first one, i unplug the air line let them for few seconds or so let the bbs down to bottom and the shell will float.

see last photo i pulled airline to coffee filter how much you want to feed bbs to your babies. when you had enough it, then put airline back to air, let bbs to keep alive.

I use rubber bands top of soda pop to hold air line shape a like " n " necaise i pull the airline to stop run air in soda pop let the bbs down and shell float and easy bbs run to coffee filter. When i had enough it I ve to do hold bbs raise high than bottle to make bbs stop run in coffe then put airline to let run and put back air line make " n " for use it again.



02-22-2005, 03:58 PM
The hatcher is under Artemia Hatchery at this site Ginial. http://www.brineshrimpdirect.com
Like I said the simplicity is beautiful, and it's rather inexpensive as well.
I was pretty heavy duty into the betas, and never ran out of shrimp. I don't think it would suffice for folks like Cary, Al, or the other big breeders out there, but I loved it!
