View Full Version : Things other than fish swimming in my tank

02-22-2005, 10:34 AM
Hello. I have a 29 gal tank with 3 young discus (2 are about 2 1/2 inch, 1 is about 3 1/2 inch), 2 rams, 2 rummy nose tetra and 2 oticinclus catfish. I have many live plants and two small snails. Nothing new has been added to the tank in at least 3 weeks. My water temp is 83 degrees F, PH kept in low 6's. The tank is well-filtrated with a canister filter for up to 66 gal tank. I do water changes of 20-25% every three days. I have two new discus in a quarantine tank awaiting my new, bigger tank and they are doing great.

Everything has been going great since day 1. My rams have even spawned twice (though they ate the eggs). My problems first started with one discus had a pretty bad case of fin and tail rot. Then another discus started with a minor case. I treated the tank with melafix, the minor case did fine, the other got worse. I moved the worse one to a hospital tank and treated with kanamycin which worked. He is back in the main tank and starting to re-grow his tail fins. Then I noticed he didn't look so good and had TINY white thread-like parasites on him and his breathing was getting labored. Another discus looked fine but was flicking his gill area on the rocks. I treated with Applus Anti-Fluke. Sick discus improved again. Two days later tiny white things back on the same discus, plus hydra in tank (previously a few here and there) are growing in numbers and now I have tons of tiny white wriggling thread-like worms floating around in the tank. I don't really see them on the fish, but they are free-floating and alive.

I have also noticed a few clear gel-like globs with tiny cloudy specks in them. At first I guessed snail eggs or something, but now I'm wondering if they're not hatching into these thread-like worms that are all over.

I bought CLOUT but am afraid to use it because I don't want to stain my tank and I'm not sure if it's the right thing. My local pet store hasn't been much help and I'm afraid things are getting out of control. If my goal was to raise things other than fish, I seem to have the perfect conditions.

Please help!

02-22-2005, 01:47 PM
Post some pics if you can.. people would be able to offer better help that way.. and BTW discus and otocinclus.. is not a good combo.. if the tank is outta algae.. the otos tend to suck on the discus for some hardcore protein.. its happened to me...

02-22-2005, 05:28 PM
Open up your canister filter and take look inside . . .I bet you find lots of worms in there too (along with feces and uneaten food.) I'd clean the canister and the tank and dose with fluke tabs. It is very hard to grow out juveniles discus in a planted, graveled tank with canister filters. Put a prefilter sponge on the canister filter and rinse it daily. Watch for an ammonia spike from the dead worms.

02-22-2005, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the advice...I had been thinking about adding on a sponge pre-filter.

I just cleaned my canister filter 2 days ago and it was pretty clean so I just rinsed it with water I'd removed from the tank.

I found out the thread-like worms are nematodes and are common and harmless...I'm feeling better about that.

Thank you again.

02-23-2005, 11:39 AM
Hello Sidra,
I purchased a tank recently that included discus. It was full of the white worms and those egg-sacks you mentioned, even after total w/c after move. I scraped the sides during w/c, waiting a few for them to settle on bottem before syphoning, cleaned the sponge filter almost daily, and most are gone now, after only 2 weeks. They are harmless, but will go away with proper care.


Barb Newell
02-23-2005, 12:15 PM
Hi, increase your water changes to daily, wipe tank walls down daily. Those worms usually appear from uneaten food/waste being left in the tank. The fin and tail rot is also usually water quality related.


02-24-2005, 12:08 AM
Yep, the 'ole water change thing...I've started doing daily water changes and siphoning any waste and uneaten food from the gravel. There is a decrease in nematodes and hydra. Tank is nice and clear (not that it looked dirty before) and ALL discus doing well. Sick cobalt is a new fish-active and looking much better...now if only he'd grow his fins back quickly-he's looking pretty scraggly. I am amazed at what a mess he was several days ago how well he has recovered.

Rams like all the water changes too. They spawned AGAIN. Eggs are due to hatch tomorrow-we'll see. Mom is guarding them well-pops ate all the eggs the last two times so she doesn't seem to be taking any chances this time. I hope when my discus reach maturity they are as anxious to be parents as my rams are.

Thanks to all who replied.