View Full Version : Feeding enough?

02-23-2005, 12:39 AM
I have a basic question about how much I am supposed to be feeding my Discus. I know it is recommended that you feed them as long as they will eat the food given to them within a few minutes.

I think I have been feeding mine too much, but they seem like they are starving everytime I put food in the tank the way they go after the food. I notice that the food always seems to go to the bottom fairly quickly. Should I give them a little at a time? I

f anyone can estimate what you feed your fish when you feed them (for example- 1 tablespoon of flakes or bits for 5 4" Discus, or a dime size chunk of frozen for 3 juvis, etc.) I know I could use the help.



02-23-2005, 08:11 AM
Not sure how many fish you are feeding...A good basic rule is to feed enough food that the fish will eat it all in 5 min.


02-23-2005, 09:10 AM
Overfeeding is one of those things that is tough to determine just from a post. If your fish have rounded but not enlarged bellies and don't hide and "bob" a little after a feeding, like they are so stuffed that they can't move, then you are probably ok. That said, many small feedings throughout the day are always more desireable than just a couple of large feedings. And as Mench said, if it takes them longer than 5 minutes to eat it may be too much at one time.

I like to set up auto feeders for my younger fish so they can nibble on flake throughout the day. When I'm home they get the good stuff... CBW, BW, Mysis, BH, etc.. :) That way, they still associate me with the good things in life. :D


02-23-2005, 09:54 AM
I think I have been feeding mine too much, but they seem like they are starving everytime I put food in the tank the way they go after the food. I notice that the food always seems to go to the bottom fairly quickly. Should I give them a little at a time?



The fact that their appetites are up is a good thing. Hungry fish will keep eating until their stomachs baloon up and they are overstuffed...something that you want to avoid. The five minute rule is good...they don't need to be fed more than the amount they will consume in that time.

Small regular feedings throughout the day work best...this gives them time to digest and process the food properly. When feeding too much, the fish are unable to process all the food and it provides them no benefit, and in some cases can lead to bloat.


02-23-2005, 11:32 PM
Thanks for the replies. I would like to do the five minute rule, but I believe that would be way too much food, based on how dirty the filter already gets.

I know it is difficult to estimate the amount of food given, but do you have any idea? Say, when a few new fish are in a quarantine tank, do you give 2 fish about a tsp. of flakes, a pinch of bits? Any description would be helpful. I realize that the estimates may be off, but at least I would be in the ballpark.

02-23-2005, 11:42 PM
5 or 6 discus in a 55 get a cube of blood worms. Two adult breeders get half a cube.

02-23-2005, 11:57 PM
Thank you Carol.