View Full Version : Fifteen years in the making...converted Mrs.Brewmaster

02-23-2005, 08:40 AM
Well, I have to say that I never thought I would see this day come, but after 15 years of living with an obsessive compulsive discus nut, my wife has finally caught the bug. Shes always been supportive of my discus habits and my time on the forum, the endless Ims, emails, and phone calls...but never really said more than .."thats a pretty one" about the fish.

Imagine how floored I was when she asked me if she could have a tank of discus! Last weekend we cleaned out the 55gal in the bedroom , and she spent several hours "cherry picking" my stock. I must say that although she never commented on the fish before, she listened well to my conversations on quality, shape etc. She picked some good fish.

Her tank now consists of 1 wild brown, 1 gold mellon, 1 Lss,1 blue snake, 1 scorpion snake, and a bristle nose pleco. Its bare bottom , and shes been doing at least 50% wc every other day. Oh of course , she has named all of them. Think I am proud? :) :)

I think I created a monster though, she keeps eyeing all my stock now and asking if she can fit more in her tanK..LOL :D

Just thought I would share that.


02-23-2005, 08:55 AM
I'm happy for you Al.:)

My wife doesn't even step foot in my garage. She only yells from the door.

Now that I think about it. I'm kinda glad it's only me that has the obssesion. I spend enough money for the both of us.


02-23-2005, 08:59 AM
Hey Brew :)

The proud pappa of a monster huh ? LOL

Sounds pretty cool, although Dan has a good point :D My wife's always been like yours used to be... she loves the fish, and as you know always has a say on which ones to buy, but......, wish you'd share the secret on how you got your wife to start doing WC's... I could use the help :D


02-23-2005, 09:17 AM

I have that one figured out. I just left town for a week and she learned out of necessity. She seemed to not mind too much because now she offers to do them for me on days when I'm swamped with school.

Thanks Tad and Judi! :D :D :D

02-23-2005, 09:21 AM
LOL Jim,
I never said she helped with my water changes...just does her own tank. LOL. If any thing, she has said many times.."I don't know how you take care of all those tanks!"

Luckily the fishrooms are still my domain...she knows thats my kingdom and to tread lightly there :)

2 years ago I went away for a week and my wife had the duty of artificially raising some fry for 2 days...The experience was one she will never forget, nor repeat! :)


02-23-2005, 09:36 AM
:D :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

02-23-2005, 10:06 AM
Wow Al!

What a coup! http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/crazy/328.gif

Next you'll be telling me she's brewing all the beer in the house as well! http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/crazy/686.gif

I have to say that if it were not for my wife,and all the help and support she's given me, there probably wouldn't be a fishroom in our house. http://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/love/144.gif


02-23-2005, 10:31 AM
I converted my fiance after only 8 months....Thing is though, now I spend an ungodly amount of time in Lowe's hardware store, searching for those little pieces of pvc for the projects he keeps coming up with and doesn't finish for my fish!! Oh well, He spends an ungodly amount of time in pet stores with me as well:)


02-23-2005, 10:55 AM

Now what you need to do is to get her to talk to Sandra!!! Maybe I can expand my collection again!

Very cool!


02-23-2005, 11:19 AM
Congratulations Mrs. Brewmaster :thumbsup: ,

I've been one of the lucky ones and have had Judi involved from day one, Team WCs is sometimes a sight to be seen...we have our best "arguements" doing WCs...works well too as normally we are not in the same room and have to yell at each other and by the time the WCs are done we are too pooped LOL to continue :D
Its always good to see another jump into the hobby and doing it right from the get go, and nothing like having some expertise at your beckoning to help if needed.

Best of luck,

02-23-2005, 11:23 AM
I got to witness the "Fujita Team" do their WC's first hand.... organized chaos. LOLOL that's the only way to describe it. :D :D

02-23-2005, 11:37 AM
LOL! Dan,

Rock on brew and Carrie

02-23-2005, 11:46 AM
we have our best "arguements" doing WCsTad refers to this as "BONDING" :confused:

Geez Ryan... we were on our best behavior while you were here. :undecided

Welcome to the insanity Mrs. Brew!!! :thumbsup:


02-23-2005, 12:04 PM

Say it isn't so...

But BUT BUT...

Who is going to be the sane one in that relationship?

Welcome to the bug Carrie not sure it is a blessing or a curse.



02-23-2005, 12:20 PM
well..thats cool Brew.....and the funny thing is..she didnt have to go far to get her fish. lol. her own discus hatchery..hope you made her pay premium dollars for those fish..lol.
waitll she says she wants some strain you dont have...

02-23-2005, 06:28 PM
you the man

02-23-2005, 07:09 PM

Come on Buddy where's the pic ??? This is too important to not have a pic !!!!! LOL

Congrats !!!!!!


02-23-2005, 07:09 PM
Now that is cool! Welcome to the dark side Carrie! I hope that it rings you twice as much pleasure with none of the headache that Al has experienced with these awesome fish.
Hey Al...
hope you didn't sell her any of my fish!!!!!

02-23-2005, 07:18 PM
And so another "discus nut" is born LOL


02-23-2005, 07:23 PM
Prepare to put on an addition to the house :D
Will be good to see Carrie on the forum too:) :)

02-23-2005, 08:31 PM
Come on Al.. you better than anyone should know.. it starts with one tank, then two, then another, and another.... watch out or she'll be down in the fishroom redecorating before you know it... :D LOL

Think Jack had it right though... where's the pic ????

Congrats to you both :)


02-23-2005, 08:44 PM
Now you done it. Next thing you know she will wont more then just one tank. So get ready to start buying more tanks. I'm sure you remember you started with one tank & how many you have now??????????

02-23-2005, 09:00 PM
So there is hope. My wife thinks that I have too many fish. I don't even have half of the ones I want yet.

It is her fault though she bought my first tank in college...

02-25-2005, 01:38 AM