View Full Version : R/O questions- Additive questions

02-23-2005, 10:57 PM
Hi Everyone,
I am back keeping discus after a few years away. I have a bare bottom 240 galllon tank with a wet/dry filtration system and automatic water changing system. Right now the auto changer runs the water thru a dechlorinating prefilter. I have 20 2.5-3.0" disus in there now. Total water volume is about 270 gallons.

My water has a TDS out of the tap of 55 (measured with a new meter), so I am thinking I don't need R/O. Any thoughts on this?

I understand why R/O is useful to many folks, but I hate the waste of water when you make it. I have a small under sink 10 gpd unit I use for top off in my plant tanks and from drinking/coffee water.

I have been using SeaChem Acid Buffer to lower the pH when needed (6.5-7.0 range). I have a CO2 reactor from a planted tank and could use CO2 to do the same thing via a controller. Is this adviseable?

What about Seachem Discus Buffer and Discus Essential? Is there a need to add traces if the fish are getting a varied diet?

Any other water addition product recommendations are appreciated. My fish are eating very well right now. My auto changer does a 25% weekly water (12 gallons daily) change per the breeder's instructions.

Thanks for the help.


02-24-2005, 12:04 AM
I see no need for RO. Nor, do I see a need to lower pH by adding acids or CO2. Discus are happiest with a stable pH. You should be able to easily stabilize the pH with a bit of aeration. Frequent water changes should keep enough minerals in the water to prevent pH crashes. Do you know the GH and KH?

02-24-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi Carol,
Thanks for your help. The GH and KH of my tap water are both less than one degree out of the tap. In fact, as a planted aquarium keeper for many years I have to build both GH and KH using SeaChem Alkaline Buffer for the KH and Equilibrium for the GH. Most plant tanks do very well around 3-4 degrees GH/KH.

Water is so soft in my area of North Atlanta, Georgia, that we use about 1/3 the normal amount of laundry soap to wash clothes. No complaints about the water here.

I just don't want to add anything I don't need to. Why waste the money?

I've never had this many Discus at one time, and the frozen food is going to be steep enough as it is. I hope to get them on flake and granulted dry food as well as frozen. They were stuck on bloodworms, but just started accepting frozen beefheart and daphnia in the last couple days.

I've always had healthier fish, regardless of species, when they eat a varied diet.
