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View Full Version : Want suggestions for plants

02-25-2005, 02:02 PM
I have a 55 gal low light that I'm prepping for discus and getting planted. I currently have java moss, some amazon swords and some anubias barteri in there. Is there a good plant that will do ok in lowlight but will cover the substrate? I really like the look of planted tanks that have the bottoms completely covered in grass or clover-looking plants. New to plants!!

02-26-2005, 04:43 AM
Hi psuedoblond,

Will you be running any co2? The clover looking like plans I think your talking about are glosso. This plant requires high light and much co2 to grow horizontally.How many watts per gallon do you have?You could try dwarf hairgrass or maybe micro sword these tend not to require too much light but will need plenty of nutirents to stay healthy.HTH

02-26-2005, 10:49 AM
Yes those Glosto tanks look awesome, but I think you're asking for big trouble!

#1) after much searching the web, and asking many questions on numerous boards, there really aren't any substrate covers for low-light tanks. Further, even if you do cover it, good luck on the vacuuming you need to do to keep a Discus tank clean enough.

02-26-2005, 07:05 PM
Temp concerns.... just a head's up, you may have temp issues with the moss and the anubias. Mine looks pretty poor at 84 degrees and the weeping moss just died totally.