View Full Version : Stendker vs. Asian

HTown Discus
02-25-2005, 05:44 PM
I'm sure that you guys have had this discussion several times already, but I'm a newbie... please bare with me.

Given a choice between Stendker and Asian bred fish, who do you choose? I'm sure they both have their pro's and con's, but which breed is of better quality in your opinion?

02-25-2005, 06:05 PM
Before you look at that question you need to first understand that "Stendker" isn't a type of Discus Fish...its the name of a larger Breeder that specializes in what many would call "classic Discus" These are your Red Turq, cobalts, and some Pbs.. These are the older strains.... That many european breeders and Pioneers perfected. They Tend to have a stout , thick body and shorter Dorsal and anal fins then their contempory Asian cousins. Some people like this appearence. I find the Cobalts well suited to it.
The " Asian " Discus are often more shapely, taller fins and a very rounded forehead. The Breeders of these fish have spent years perfecting this look and have introduced a multitude of color variations to the hobby.

So to answer Your question..The difference between "classic" Discus and the "Asian" breeds is really a matter of taste. If you want more info on These older lines of fish , Talk to Jack Taylor (Im ..Discus_KC here), he has been Breeding fish from Stendker's hatchery stock, as has Mary Subes (IM fshngal here)..

Hope that helps,

ps This is just my opinion.

02-25-2005, 06:05 PM
Am sorry but You cannot ask this right on the board it would be best if You ask people to email you.

However I would say being that Your new You might want to go with hans and stenker discus I think they will help you get Your feet wet untill you decide you need to move on or not!

I just think with Han's being here in the USA you might get a better shake!

Also please no opions in public Only Emails to Benny The only reason I ask is because its not fair to either some might have had bad experience and some good and this will only lead to war.

over + out

P.S Good post Brew I agree benny should find out about his market first before he decides what types he wants to sell.

HTown Discus
02-25-2005, 06:38 PM
P.S Good post Brew I agree benny should find out about his market first before he decides what types he wants to sell.

I've talked myself out of selling or importing anything for profit. The wife on the other hand... Really just interested in importing to pay for equipment and obtain cool fish to breed later.

I'm a little confused as to why we can't voice opinions on this board. I'm not trying to cause any waves, just like to hear what others have to say. It sounds like I joined some kind of disfunctional family that can't discuss things without fighting! Oh well, that's what I grew up in so I will adjust easily.

02-25-2005, 06:48 PM
It's just preference. Ford or Chevy. Look at everything and buy what you like. There are both good and bad of both of them out there.

02-25-2005, 07:10 PM
Opinions are allowed on this forum as long as they do not attack anyone and are expressed in a civil fashion. The problem with threads such as this is there are people out there that will use this topic as a means of attacking a breeder/seller that they had a bad experience with.

What this board does not allow is buyer-seller disputes to spill over on the public forum. When it does, flame wars erupt, and comments are often made by people who don't have half the facts. There are other forums where these types of threads occur .

Cary's suggestion stems from our policy that we ask people interested in others experiences with a seller to discuss them off the forum by email . This removes any liability from the board owners and decreases meanlingless vendettas and flame wars. I hope that helps.

Chief cook and bottle washer.

ps.. you will find that "disfunctional" is not unique to any Discus Forum ;) :D

HTown Discus
02-25-2005, 07:20 PM
Roger that...

02-25-2005, 07:23 PM
it takes quite awhile to learn to find a shape that is pleasing to your eye.. everyone has different preferences. like Jeff said ford or chevy.
i would say though..that in the end its the person selling the fish that you talk to and feel you will get the best help and support and best service from when buying your fish. spend some time..talk to different breeders who are selling and first off decide what you want.
of course...being discus fanatics..most of us one year want one colour or strains..then all of a sudden decide we need a new colour..in our tanks and off we go..looking for somethin different ..or maybe its just an excuse to go buy more fish and more tanks.
its kinda like womens fashions. never can keep up..
at first beginners like all the bright colours..then they mellow into some nice ole classics or wilds..then..all ofa sudden..they want to throw somethin new into the mix.
so..to answer your question..go buy what catches your eye and you think are good strong nice fish you can work with or enjoy. but spend your time talking to the different people.
Carys right..cant go wrong with Jack Taylor..or Cary..or Jeff..etc etc. even Brewmaster has a huge variance of colours and styles to see and choose from.
and if you are gonna sell..yes. depends who you intend to sell to . if your selling to lfs or wholesalers..their more likely to buy up little coloured pigeons for blue diamonds who show colour young. people who buy from lfs wont buy little brown babies and wait for thier beautiful colour to show at 8 months or so. a discus person who knows discus would..so if selling to local people or shipping..then you could.

02-25-2005, 07:40 PM
al, Brilliant..
Good to know that we have some very rational, very well spoken forum administrators in Simply Discus. You spoke Well.


02-25-2005, 08:02 PM
well said Jeff + Mom,

02-25-2005, 08:33 PM
Mom :confused:

02-25-2005, 08:36 PM
WE are a pretty close family here. April has adopted many wayward discus nuts.. Cary was always her favorite "son" :) This goes way back!


02-25-2005, 08:54 PM
: ) yeah..hes not my real son..lol. but..a mothers gotta look out for her son..and a son has to help his mother. lol. But..Cary helps everyone.

02-25-2005, 09:30 PM
That is good example Jeff, Cary and April.

you can pick out your personal favorite any discus in the world. The Discus is a FISH!

In addation,

Asian ( toyota, honda, etc) = Asian Discus. American (Chev, Ford, GMC, etc) = american discus. Europe (Porsche, BMW SAAB etc) = Europe Discus.

No matter people like to pick Ford their own personal. Some people like pick chevy. Therefore everyone should respect eachothers. As discus breeders in the world as Jack Wattley = American , Hans = Europe , Mr Kitti = Aisan, There is more famous discus breeders in the world therefore their own make discus as shape, colors, size, patterns etc same as the cars!


02-25-2005, 09:53 PM
You all have spoken very well on this topic, this is what makes this forum so strong. Alot of people would have used this topic to attack as Cary stated. But that has not been the case and that shows the maturity of the people on here. Sorry to get all mushy but I think this was a great example of great people.

02-26-2005, 12:15 AM
Hi Benny,
I have both Stendker and Asian strains. You can see for yourself.


02-26-2005, 01:10 AM
I am a member of several different sites online. This is the only site I will go to to find good sound advice. It is due to the type of people that are mods here. They due not put up with any bickering from any one. If you live by any breeder go see for yourself what they have & the difference between the discus. Just because someone likes one type does not mean that it is the type for you. What ever you do dont jump on thre first one you see. Take you time & look around first. In the end you will be more happy with the one you choice. Good luck!