View Full Version : how long does it take befor egg's turn dark?

02-26-2005, 04:04 AM
just wondering how many hours does it take befor egg's turn blk? mines been 50 hours and i still have 70 clear eggs and lots of white eggs... so im just curious if my egg's are suppose to hatch already or not so i can just clean out the eggs and wait for them to spawn again... some ppl i talk to say eggs can turn dark in 24 hours thats why so im kinda thinking maybe my eggs wont even turn dark...

02-26-2005, 09:27 AM
This depends on the temperature of your breeding tank, but I would guess that if they weren't fertile they would have turned white by now. Mine do, with a heavy increase right before hatching. The clear ones I thought were not fertile had tails as well as the rest. I also was about to give up on a spawn when a flashlight told me that the little eggs all had tails, I was unable to see before. The tails are very hard to see at first hatching...but hours later, you wonder how you missed em:)


02-26-2005, 09:32 AM
PS......I may be getting old...but I never did understand what everyone meant by "dark" :P They looked the same to me at hatching as they did at laying with the unfertilized ones turning a solid white. If I really struggled to look closely...I could see the eyes at about hatching time, but I had to REALLY look close.

Hope this helps....keep us posted...and at 50 hours with a tank at about 82 degrees, you have about a 10 hour or less wait:) Carol's timeline says about 55 hours, others I have seen say about 60. Good luck!


02-26-2005, 10:40 AM
thanks a bunch robin my tank temp is at 82 so i got a few more hours then.. all my clear eggs look the same from when they first laid... i never had fertile eggs yet so i dont wouldn't know the difference yet... but i sure do know i got lots of dead eggs also those solid white eggs i can tell with ease there just so white i can see them in the dark lol.. but your info did help me i need to wait then look at my eggs closely to see if i find any tails..

02-26-2005, 02:42 PM
If they are still there, aren't opaque white, and haven't turned into a mass of fungas consider yourself lucky, your still in the game. Don't be in a hurry to deal yourself out.

One of my pair went up to the wiggler stage, but haven't seen active movement in a day or so. Desided I had to get rid of the poop so syphioned it into a white bucket, got a white dish, and went through entire bucket dish by dish with a magnifying glass. Found 10-12 wigglers still alive. Returned to parents where I'm sure they arer going to be lunch, but got to keep giving them a chance to learn.

Each batch it seems my pairs get a little bit further into the parent trap. All now get to wiggglers, some to free swimmers, none to attached yet. Tried lowering water, removing sponge, etc. Fry will swim up to parents, but they just shake them off and swim away?

02-26-2005, 03:53 PM
thanks for the info aggie now i know im still in da game lol... yeah my pair is still new also they usually eat the eggs by now just this time im using a mesh wire so they can't eat it... well i hope i just see a couple fertile eggs so i know he is capeable of providing for the eggs thats all im hoping for...

09-02-2006, 02:18 AM
Man .......... I hate when threads of interest to me end before knowing the outcome ..... lol.

And yes i have eggs and the 1st time ive had some thats went past 24 hours and not all white. Unfortunately these are in the big community tank so they probably wont make it .......... but i built a cage around the driftwood they layed on so at least the other fish cant get to them and hopefully i'll find out if these 2 are a fertile pair. The parents have been fanning away.

Sitting at hour 30 right now and every other spawn ive had turned opaque white & eaten within 12 hours!

09-06-2006, 02:50 PM
If the male did his job, you should see black dot or two on each fertile egg by now. Those black dots are wrigglers' eyes. Or at least, see some movements on those eggs. If not, good luck on the next batch of eggs.

09-06-2006, 03:02 PM
Not sure who david is ........... and by the way ..... this thread was 1.5 years old till i posted on it.

Just for an update on mine ................. I got wigglers at aproximately the 50 hour mark ............ but unfortunately the male was fighting with the female and all eggs and wigglers were gone the next afternoon.

It was definately cool to see the wigglers for the 1st time and this pair is now in theyre own breeding tank.

09-17-2006, 10:21 PM
Hello! I am new to simply discus! I have a pair the have been laying eggs now for a month. I still haven't gotten the eggs to hatch. I have been at the stage where the color is the same as when they were laid, to white fuzz growing on top. I tried to seperate the male and the male, tried to put the female back in the commuintiy tank, to see if she would pair up with another male. The two pair that have laid eggs this is there 4 attempt.

Before I didn't the exchanging of female out, or male out, two days ago they laid a batch, which I was able to watch to make sure that my male was actually a male. But the eggs didn't stay brown they turned white then went to fuzz. They are an active pair that seem to lay eggs every 2 weeks. Please can any one suggest something that might help. My temp is at 84-85, my ph is 6.0-6.5, I have a spnge filter only, peat in the water heater, clay pot, spawning tub, night lite on in the evenings, my nitrates etc. are all fine.

I do a water change about 2 times a week only 25%. So I don't know what to look for when it comes to the eggs. Just knowing that the fuzz is not a good sign. PLEASE CAN YOU HELP.
:confused: :mad:

09-17-2006, 10:54 PM
Hi Nicole,

What are you other water parameters?



How long before the eggs get fungus?

Meth Blue will help for the fungus but not sure of the ratio to use.

09-18-2006, 02:22 AM
Here's what I did ...

1. As soon as I found out they are laying egg, I stopped all the filter and pump, to minimize the water current. Hoping to allow the male to do a better fertilzation job.

2. When they are done laying eggs, I will add some M. Blue solution (1 drop per gallon). After one hour or two, I turn the filter and air pump back on ...
If you are using any power filter with carbon, leave it off .. only use sponge filter.

3. I do partial water change every day. Basically, I only clean up the tank bottom .. but not adding anymore more new water ... This will gradually lower the water level for 3 or 4 consecutive days. But the time your water level is low enough, you should have wriggles and starting to attach to the parent.

Hope this help.

Note : I am not an expert .. but this is what works for me for my 6th spawn, which is a successful one, finally.

09-18-2006, 10:42 AM
This is Nicole my Nitrate and Ammonia are in the safe area according to the graph. Like .03-.05 not even pink or yellow. The last batch 3 days ago now was with in 48 hours that the eggs went fuzzy.

I have a pair tank with only a sponge filter, heater, clay pot, and a breeding stick. I am waiting again to see what happenes. The male and female are having eggs just about every 2 weeks. I thought I didn't have a male until I was able to watch them. I will try to locate some Meth Blue.


09-18-2006, 11:03 AM
Not all the eggs will get fertilized. Those unfertilized eggs usually will turn white after a day or two. If you didn't add M. Blue, there will be fungus, and that's why you are seeing fuzzy eggs.

09-18-2006, 11:19 AM

09-18-2006, 02:32 PM
I have a young pair who are on spawn #2. they are spawning in my plant tank where the first attempt was eaten by a farlowella. and the day i got their breeding tank setup for them they decided to spawn again in the tank. i have since removed the farlowella and they have been keeping the tetras away. I'm on hour 39 and som eggs have turned and are turning white but what i noticed is that rather than leave the white eggs there to grow fungi. the discus eat the white eggs. is that normal or no? either way they are taking care of the bad eggs so the won't effect the other eggs.

water peramaters
NH3/NH4- 0
N02- 0
NO3- 0
pH- 6.5
Temp- 86

09-18-2006, 04:05 PM
Yes .... It is natural for the parents to eat the white eggs.

09-18-2006, 09:43 PM
Has anyone here hear of Fungus Cure? This is what the web page said that it is suppose to do....
Fungus Cure treats eye and mouth fungus quickly and effectively. Helps prevent the growth on fungus on eggs prior to hatching. Provides a synthetic slime replacement that helps prevent secondary infections.
I am just wondering because if I can't find the Methylene Blue I was going to try this brand.

For Methylene Blue it says that you can't have live plants when treating the eggs. What happenes if the pair that is my community tank pairs off and lays eggs? I have live plants in that tank along with tank mates?

Thank you for any help.:)