View Full Version : OK, how do you do a water change with eggs?

02-26-2005, 01:15 PM
Well, 3rd time, my fish are bright enough NOT to use the heater this time and laid on an anubia lancifolia leaf last night(I did remove the male San Merah, so I wonder if this made a difference). They are clear this morning with dark specks, (and here I was wondering if my RT male actually made passes last night, he was busy defending last night and I was wondering if he was too young to know what to do or to be fertile. This morning he was asleep in the dark corner while SHE was defending the nest and he came up for breakfast. Now that it's daytime he's back by her side defending the nest, MEN! LOL ;) ).

Now here's the thing, how do I do a water change without disturbing things? Do I do a lot of partials that don't go to where the eggs are or??? They are still in the community tank, but they are the dominant fish and are doing great so far. I really need to do a water change. Any suggestions or what do you guys (and gals) do?

02-26-2005, 01:18 PM
Hi and congratulations!!!I do regular water changes and just stay away from the eggs. All my fish are used to me doing them regularly so it doesn't bother them.

02-26-2005, 02:32 PM
Is your concern that when you lower the water level during a wc that the eggs are exposed? If so, then just have to do frequent small changes so eggs are always in water.

If this is not the case then just make sure your water change is as gentle as possible. Sypioning the water out is not usually a problem, but adding new water can be. Make sure it is aged, right temperature, etc an add it under the water surface so it doesn't make a lot of splashing, etc.

02-26-2005, 07:46 PM
Thanks guys! She has a habit of laying up high, but at least they are on a leaf instead of the heater this time! Both parants are guarding well (community tank) and are definitely not shy. When I stick my face on the side to see around the leaf my male gets face to face with me (remember this was the youngster that used to get bloat). Of course all is forgiven at feeding time! She's there stuck guarding the eggs while he's stuffing his face!