View Full Version : Reputable discus breeders?

03-01-2005, 02:08 AM

Where do people have the most luck getting healthy, colorful discus? I will be adding a few more, and have done OK so far, but would like other folks' input. Please share your experience with me!!!!

Thanks so much!!
Debbie Prince :)

03-01-2005, 07:27 AM
Debbie.e-mail me and I will tell ya about the breeders I get mine from...E-mail is eaiser .


03-01-2005, 01:51 PM
Hi Debbie,

The fact is all can be good and all can be bad! Ofcourse some Badder then others at times LOL. IMO it is up to you! You must be the one to ask all the Q's either on the phone or emails But start asking and act like you know what Your doing and what You want!

You must tell them you want nice healthy discus that are not hormoned that will live long lifes. you must also ask them about the age of the fish and the color now of the discus! and the color when adult. You tell them you want nice round discus with good shape and small eye size in ratio to body size. If You are buying PB'S you tell them you do not want alot of pepper. Any breeder/ Importer knows if his PB stock has alot of pepper or not.

Also tell them you surf and post on many discus forums! Tell them you have a Digital camera even if You don't! Tell Them you like posting pics of Your Discus and that indeed your very active on most Discus Boards. Its easy to say Hey If I get what I want and pay good Money Sure I would not mined leaving you good feed back inturn this will help others in the future.

Cary + Family

03-01-2005, 02:29 PM
One of the Best, if not the best...breeder, just posted above:):)


03-01-2005, 03:20 PM
Cary's the man! :)

Barb Newell
03-01-2005, 03:23 PM
You must tell them you want nice healthy discus that are not hormoned that will live long lifes :thumbsup: :thumbsup: No Hormones!

03-01-2005, 04:41 PM

Where do people have the most luck getting healthy, colorful discus? I will be adding a few more, and have done OK so far, but would like other folks' input. Please share your experience with me!!!!

Thanks so much!!
Debbie Prince :)


Where are you located at? It's a big advantage if you can visit a breeder/ importer's place and check out their fish - or visit someone who has bought fish from a breeder/ importer that has fish you are interested in. Most of the better breeders/ importers don't mind if you go just to check out their fish and talk about the fish (answer your questions, etc...). They know even if you don't buy from them now, you probably will later on and in the meantime, you'll refer people to them. :)


03-01-2005, 05:38 PM
I'm in Northern California, about an hour from Sacramento.......I haven't found anyone really close. Any suggestions? Thanks to everyone for your suggestions thus far!!! :) Thanks to Cary for his personal email and answering all of my questions. :)

Debbie Prince :)

03-01-2005, 05:45 PM
Check out Jeff at www.Discusfarm.us He'll be the closest. Ken

03-01-2005, 06:30 PM
I am in Central kentucky. Any suggestion on who to visit ???

Thank you,

03-01-2005, 07:06 PM
It is great to be able to find someone within driving distance. There is nothing like seeing someone else's fishroom and picking out your own fish. I would post in the the I'm looking for section and ask for breeder and hobbyists in your area to respond.

Many times there just isn't anyone close enough. In that case I would read through the photo section, Breeders/vendors and buy/sell/trade sections. Make note of the pictures and especially pay attention to comments. Soon you will recognize the names of the sellers. Many of the best post here regularly. They post pictures of their new stock and help answer questions too. If you see pictures you like do not hesitate to call and talk to the sellers. These guys are discus nuts just like you and are more than happy to talk fish.

It helps if you have a clear idea of what you want and how much you can afford. Most of these guys have discus in different price ranges. If you are serious about discus and want good quality be sure and tell them.

I chuckled reading Cary's advice to tell the seller you are armed with a camera and love to post on the forums. That's probably the best insurance I know of ;)

03-01-2005, 07:37 PM
Hey Cary:

I need to copy that and remember to paste it to to all my paypal payments :) You should also have written:

"Don't send me any potatoes, I on that Atkins thing!"

take care,

03-01-2005, 07:42 PM
How far are you from San Francisco? I can refer you to some locals here. I also have some for sale. Keep in mind that there are several hobbyist breeders in the Bay Area. Jeff in LA is too far a drive IMO.

03-02-2005, 01:56 AM
I am in Auburn; about an hour from Sacramento. I'd love to hear from a few good discus breeders in the area so I could visit a few in one fell swoop. Thanks so much!!! :)

Debbie :) ;)

03-02-2005, 02:49 AM
Take Carys advice . Thats about the best advice..is to make sure they know your gonna post your new fishies on the forums..wouldnt be worht their while to send you culls that will be splashed all over the forums.
Phone calls are better than emails..you can talk personally to the person .
let us all know what you buy..we all love hearing about peoples new fishies.
its pretty exciting getting a box of discus to open..

03-17-2005, 03:41 PM
Discus keepers in your area: Don in Carson City
R. Roberts in Single Springs
Matt Boyd in Sacramento
Gary Derr in Sacramento
ChrisT in Sacramento (Simply Member)
Bernie in Sacramento (Simply Member)
Placerville Aquarium

Also check out Sacramento Aquarium Society meetings.


03-17-2005, 07:00 PM
Hey Cliff,

I went to last month's SAS's meeting, and am hopeful to go this month as well. Do any of these folks go? How do I contact them, or do I just wait until they post their goodies for sale?

Thanks for your help!!

Debbie :)

Dave C
03-17-2005, 07:06 PM
I recommend you buy from the vendors that are listed on the North American Discus Association website... http://www.discusnada.org

That would be Hep's Discus, Fishfarm or ChicagoLand. That would be a good place to start.

03-18-2005, 02:53 PM
Hey Cliff,

I went to last month's SAS's meeting, and am hopeful to go this month as well. Do any of these folks go? How do I contact them, or do I just wait until they post their goodies for sale?

Thanks for your help!!

Debbie :)

Hi Debbie,
I will Pm you for more information or who you can contact, but I think Bob
Roberts and Matt Boyd are on only two people that might show up at the
Sacramento Aquarium Society.
