View Full Version : Another question about salt

03-02-2005, 10:21 PM
I picked up 7 discus about three weeks ago. Thier new home is a 75 gal bb tank with an ac 500 and a hydro 500. Temp 86 all params 0. Before I put them in the tank I added salt @ 2 tbs\10 gal. The fish adjusted beautifully and were ravenous. In the second week I gradually reduced the salt until I wasn't adding any. The fish became noticably skittish especially during water changes where they weren't doing it before, but still race to the top of the tank to eat. My question is why would the fish become skittish once the salt treatment is done. I run my water through two sediment filters and one carbon block and age it over night. Thanks for any thoughts.


Barb Newell
03-02-2005, 10:47 PM
They may have become skittish once reducing the salt if there are nitrites in your water. It might be a good idea to check your parameters again. How much water are you changing?


03-02-2005, 11:37 PM
Just checked nitrites. They are 0. ALtough my test kit is over a year old. Does that matter?. I change 50% daily. Thanks

03-03-2005, 02:53 PM
Kit could have expired. With daily 50% WC you should be OK. IF they continue to get MORE skittish add ssalt and if you see improvement again I would suspect nitrItes too.