View Full Version : Simon Cowell

03-04-2005, 10:29 AM
I have been likened to the American Idol host Simon Cowell, for Discus, being English, critically opinionated and not often going far out of my way to spare people's feelings when I post.
:) :) :)
I thought this was very funny and as all who know me will probably say, not far off the mark, so I will embrace it. Accordingly I have changed my sig. I would also change my handle but I am not sure how, perhaps a mod can advise me?
This is not about personal attacks or flames, but just about being able to have genuine dialog about our fish and disabusing folks of perpetual discus myths and legends.

" only one thing worse than no information and that is wrong information"

03-04-2005, 11:14 AM
I do believe your handle has to be changed through RyanS. Your abandoning "Wildthing"???? :( IMO that is fitting too :)


03-04-2005, 11:15 AM
Hey David,

I have all the :heart2: for ya! What do you mean you wanna change your sig? I sure hope you don't. Be who you are as I appreciate your experiences and theories and I believe most folks on this forum do. I know in the past you and I had a thing about "religion" but I favor that you understand that that was all in sharing the :heart2:, not at all was I offended by any thing you write. So I wanted you to know that I feel this way because naturally I'm a human being like you.

Peace, Love, Flowers & Discus to ya!

Former Frygirl (now Spices)...

03-04-2005, 11:51 AM

I hate to tell ya... but it's not Simon Callow... it's Simon Cowell. :p

I just feel priveledged to have gotten to have a lengthy phone conversation with you, to get to know you a little better!


03-04-2005, 12:10 PM
Dave, you're not mean... just mis-understood :D

03-04-2005, 12:59 PM

I hate to tell ya... but it's not Simon Callow... it's Simon Cowell. :p

I just feel priveledged to have gotten to have a lengthy phone conversation with you, to get to know you a little better!


ooops, thanks Judi
I changed it, Simon Callow is an English actor, Cowell is the curmudgeon on American Idol ( American Idle) Could a mod also change the thread title spelling for me?

03-04-2005, 01:12 PM


03-04-2005, 01:44 PM
Cowell, oh well! :D

Anyhow, the show would not have been a success without Simon Cowell on American Idol and Simply Discus would not have been a success without David Webber included. ;D

Dave C
03-04-2005, 01:59 PM
Webber, this thread is simply horrible. Worst thread I've ever heard. That was extraordinary! Unfortunately, it was extraordinarily bad. There are only so many words I can draw out of my vocabulary to say how awful that was.

Ok, I'm done.

03-05-2005, 06:46 PM
Thanks Dave C

I can dish it out, but can I take it?

Angie, you flatter me, that is soooo far from true. SimplyDiscus stands alone with no help from me at all as the best Discus site there is, all I can do is cause occasional trouble . Al & Ryan & the mods do all the work, I just throw the mud around in the playground

03-05-2005, 07:29 PM
Sorry to see you finally went the way of teddyJ, a legend in his own mind. His arrogance landed his simple *** in jail. Beware. It's a wise man that can learn from the mistakes of others.

03-05-2005, 08:00 PM
As a musician and a lover of honesty I happen to be a big fan of Simon Cowell and coincidentally of Dave W as well. I must say Dave, now that you mention it I can see the similarities!!!!!

Please always maintain your candor. The only thing I don't like is that I don't get to see it enough!!!!


03-06-2005, 09:08 AM
Sorry to see you finally went the way of teddyJ, a legend in his own mind. His arrogance landed his simple *** in jail. Beware. It's a wise man that can learn from the mistakes of others.

The difference between a wise man and a fool is this: a wise man knows he is a fool, a fool thinks he is wise. I happen to be fairly sure that I am often a complete idiot, hence my ability to recognize other fools and idiots when I see them!


FYI, from what I was told at the time by other Aussies who knew him, ( Rob Clough etc) Teddy J went to jail ( maybe, maybe not) because of non payment of taxes owed on his Australian lottery win. In his time he was one of the most helpful people on the forums. I don;t thnk it is fair to call that arrogance, tho it may well be fair to point that finger at me...embrace it

03-07-2005, 12:01 PM
And you don'tsee the arrogance involved when a transplanted Brit goes to another country, wins $500,000.00 in that country's lotto, doesn't pay the taxes due, pi$$es the money away inside of a year, then goes to his adopted country and lives off that country's welfare system?

I know Rob Clough very well, myself, and would bet I've had more personal communications (not discus related) than anyone on this forum. As Rob was emailing me one day, there was a show on Australian TV in which tJ was a guest. It was about all the large lotto winners who were currently living on welfare inside of 2 years of their winning.

Make him whatever you need to make him because of your personal involvemnets with him, but you know as well as I do, as did RC and many other Aussie's who I have communicated with, 90% of his info was lifted directly from The Discus Resource Page. While the rest of us were out making a living, he sat in front of his computer trying to be a big shot in the discus world and failed. ANYONE can do that.

And, your sophmoric attempt at philosophy is just that.

03-08-2005, 09:17 AM
And you don'tsee the arrogance involved when a transplanted Brit goes to another country, wins $500,000.00 in that country's lotto, doesn't pay the taxes due, pi$$es the money away inside of a year, then goes to his adopted country and lives off that country's welfare system?

I know Rob Clough very well, myself, and would bet I've had more personal communications (not discus related) than anyone on this forum. As Rob was emailing me one day, there was a show on Australian TV in which tJ was a guest. It was about all the large lotto winners who were currently living on welfare inside of 2 years of their winning.

Make him whatever you need to make him because of your personal involvemnets with him, but you know as well as I do, as did RC and many other Aussie's who I have communicated with, 90% of his info was lifted directly from The Discus Resource Page. While the rest of us were out making a living, he sat in front of his computer trying to be a big shot in the discus world and failed. ANYONE can do that.

And, your sophmoric attempt at philosophy is just that.

Don't you like me?
quel d'homage pour moi!
You know you don;t make such a good impression yourself

You are such a brave soul hiding behind an alias to slam people you don't know.
Shinshin, you weren't there. You obviously are just repeating malicious gossip.
Would you like to have Rob C's current phone # down there?

( 15 minutes later) I just got off the phone with Rob in Australia.
He never heard of you and cannot think *** you may possibly be.
In these days of such a small world maybe it would be better for you not to try to BS me about friends of mine.

Information has to come from somewhere right?
where do you get yours except from books and forums?
Why don;t you apply your same criticisms to some of the most helpful people on this board? Why should it matter where the knowledge comes from as long as it is relevant and helpful?

'Sophomoric' ?
oh crap shinshin. and all this time I was trying to keep it at grade school level just for you, I will try to dumb it down further for you in the future.


03-08-2005, 09:41 AM
now now...... play nice guys.... :vanish:

Dave C
03-08-2005, 10:00 AM
I'm not sure how a discussion about Webber's similarities with Cowell became a thread bashing teddy but such is the world of Discus forums... For those that were not around at the time of the infamous teddy J here's a link for you...


It takes a bit to get this archive system to work but it can be quite entertaining. If you click on Search and request all dates within 1999-2000 and look for all messages posted by teddy,J you'll find that he was responsible for 1462 of the 15636 messages on that archive. teddy wasn't one for splitting atoms but he did spend a ton of time answering the same basic questions over & over, much to the dismay of some posters, but also to the relief of those that asked. His personal situation was none of my business, nor am I interested in dragging him through the mire. One thing that cannot be disputed is that he spent time helping those in need on the Discus forums.

03-08-2005, 10:16 AM
Angie, you flatter me, that is soooo far from true. SimplyDiscus stands alone with no help from me at all as the best Discus site there is, all I can do is cause occasional trouble . Al & Ryan & the mods do all the work, I just throw the mud around in the playground

You're (like me) an integral part to Simply, you're right at that. Stirring up the "occasional trouble" certainly entertains us nonetheless. As long as I don't hear you tell me that I have enough discus knowledge as a polar bear. LOL

Did anyone catch last night's episode? Amazing! I just love Simon Cowell. :heart: I wish that he keeps the muzzle-free comments going. Without those comments, which sends us all in a swooping frenzy, the show is dull and dull as a slab of sandstone rock (mind ya, sandstone rocks, being born in the era of the hippies, mesmerizes me). :D

Love, Peace, Flowers & Discus to yall..

P.S. The guy is an idiot to not pay taxes on his winning lottery. What a fool he is. That's greedy! Totally greedy. :mad:

03-08-2005, 04:51 PM
Hmmm... why does this thread remind me of High school reunions? :) A bunch of "old timers reminescing" :D :D :D

whats really sad here is that I went to that school too.


Dave C
03-08-2005, 09:25 PM
DW: If you don't know who ShinShin is you have been puttin the check in the wrong mat. I have talked to RC aswell, but I doubt he remembers me either.

The lights went on today. Why the strange alias Mat? Haven't heard from you in ages.

03-09-2005, 09:41 PM
I hope you had the oppurtunity to read this before I deleted it, Simon. Be careful about running your mouth when you don't know with whom you're dealing. I don't mean just by name.

03-09-2005, 09:44 PM
Dave C- Hi, how are you? An old nickname a Sicilian bar owner gave me years ago. I have no idea what he meant by it. lol

03-10-2005, 10:21 AM
I remember you now.: larry " I can;t keep a discus alive to save my life " matincheck. I guess once a troll always a troll !
It looks like you have been saving up your grievances for a while. It must be a burden to carry that crap around in your head all the time, Catharsis is good so I hope you feel better after your little rant. I am flattered that you care about me so much that you can write such an epic or have people ask about me in NYC.

For all the personal analysis I thank you, tho most of it sounds like projection from a sad short person.

Of course my thread was self serving...duuuh! wasn't yours?
I'll call RC again a bit later for somethng quotable about you. Don;t you want his number? some friend you are, don;t even know the guys phone #?

Re photography: As little as I do these days it is still my livelyhood . You overstep your limits here and demonstrate why and how badly you failed in social sciences and graces.You can do something as simple as a google search my name, with your super intellect even you should be able to figure it out right from the comfort of your own armchair. Also check Sygma/Corbis, the world's biggest photo agency that your so-very-clever friends friend may also not have heard of, for some of my saddest work. I can;t recall all the publishers and Ad agencies that I have worked for in fashion and portraiture but it is quite a long list that started with the Independant in London a long time ago. I don;t work in stills much any more except for producing big gigs for the big boys.

nice chattin' with you
David Webber, curmudgeon-at-large

03-10-2005, 10:59 AM
It is a sad fact of life that internet controversy generates traffic.

03-10-2005, 12:08 PM
Nothing like a reunion of the old gang from the world of DIP. Some things never change. Trouble is only about 1% of us really know the background of this. For us it is funny as hell for the rest of ya'll sorry you missed it. It was a blast.


03-10-2005, 12:10 PM
Where's Kees ???

03-10-2005, 12:29 PM
I think when Jim died it took all of the wild from Kees sails......


03-10-2005, 01:02 PM
sometimes I miss ol' JQ......not often tho, the end was not pretty.
I guess all we would need to complete the picture would be LK hardin?

Kees is alive and well in Holland and visits the US a lot. he is a good man, even if he doesn't tolerate phoney's too well.
Cheryl Lawson is still in RSA and doing well
RC is in the outback ( almost)
I still speak regularly to those folks. I think none of them keeps discus any more. Nor do I.
I wonder if Rafe Bufo in Italy still keeps them?
Discus dream...out....Rare breed...out....and many others as the fish forum world becomes increasingly a mix of PT Barnum and walmart

03-10-2005, 01:29 PM
"Kees is alive and well in Holland and visits the US a lot. he is a good man, even if he doesn't tolerate phoney's too well."

I'm in a good mood so I will let that one slide.


03-10-2005, 03:41 PM
"Kees is alive and well in Holland and visits the US a lot. he is a good man, even if he doesn't tolerate phoney's too well."

I'm in a good mood so I will let that one slide.


what a weird place it would be if everyone got along just fine with everyone else.
Throughout a life, If you can count your true friends on the fingers of one hand you are blessed, so *** are all these other people?

Dave C
03-10-2005, 03:48 PM
Seems funny to have to fight to prove one's value in their field of endeavor. I live in a much smaller city then New York and I would bet that any poster out there that has friends or relatives that live in Winnipeg would be hard pressed to find one that has heard of me (or has a good word to say about me). But that has no effect on my purported success in life. I continue to exist regardless of my lack of fame and my bills continue to be paid, small though they are. The fact that we have so much time to waste on forums such as this is proof in of itself that we have a modicum of success as we are clearly not fighting for that last dollar. So don't be convinced that an absence of notoriety is proof of a lack of success.

03-10-2005, 09:53 PM
well..the memories..the old gang. those were the days..
there are some oldtimers around who still have discus..at least..yes some have gone..some still carry on..

03-11-2005, 01:03 AM
JQ had you pegged just right, a drama queen. lol You fight like a little girl, name calling and such.You sling your crap, untrue as it may be, hiding in upstate NY, as you accuse others of hiding and doing the same.

I don't know what makes you think I can't keep a discus alive. I have no problems there, DQ. Just another insult with no value or truth. Like I've told you before, all I would need to do to accomplish what you have done is to buy an importer's permit. That's all. I've bred, raised, amd experimented for 45 years with all sorts of fish. One fishing trip to SA doesn't make you all that.

As far as your last post goes, I have no answers, as it is all BS. You may impress those that don't know who you are, but not those that do. As I said before, you're an egomaniac with an inferiority complex, and the more you talk, the more apparent it becomes to all. We know what's behind that, don't we ;) .

There is one thing for sure - The Three Discusteers sure proved that there are more horse's a$$es in the world than there are horses, at least three. Even with Kees and tJ out of the picture, you're still there proving it. Good job.

I get banned easily on these forums, even when just defending myself. That won't happen here, since there is nothing that needs defending. You have no idea of who or what I am. So keep acting like a horse's a$$, and those that don't know you will soon enough. As far as that goes, I would have been banned for posting the crude crap you have been posting in this thread because I've been banned for less. Funny how a couple people here get to rant, rave, and insult with no consequences.

Maybe one day we can meet in the Bronx if you have the gonads to walk the mean streets there instead of Manhattan. Then you'll see just who you're TRYING to F' with. See you there, Oh, Great Unknown Photag of Manhattan.


And by the way, Drama Queen, I'll match my IQ and GPA with yours anyday. I have no need to try and impress people who have no effect on my life with witty quotes of others. I have no need to impress anyone with my library, which is extensive and deep. So, no need to dumb it down for me. I will comprehend. You and I both know, as well as those that know you, that you actually are very comfortable on the low road, using any available excuse as to why you are there, other than the truth, that is. That's really what this thread is all about, isn't it, justifying ******** behavior you exhibit on a regular basis?

03-11-2005, 01:28 AM
:D :D :D

Without asking what, who, why and when, I am chuckling deep inside with laughter from reading this thread AND filing in the blanks. :D

Well, getting back to David Webber vs. Simon Cowell, yeah, now I can see why clearly Dave is much like a Simon Cowell in the Discus World. LOL Not only the accent but the character is certainly embedded. LOL :D



03-11-2005, 08:13 AM
I give up. Everytime I try to let things ease here with the censoreship and moderation , I get crap from those involved... like this...
Funny how a couple people here get to rant, rave, and insult with no consequences. . Get off it everyone, and move on with your lives. No one in this post was given any more leeway than anyone else. If anything this post was given more freedom than any other post here in along time.

This post exemplifies why this board is moderated. Years pass and some people just don't change. Anyone who knows those in this post and alluded to the old times knows exactly how this post would go down hill.. nothing about discus and a flames start going. Its how things always went on the older boards.

This post is closed. and if anyone has issue with it... too bad. If the moderation bothers you too bad as well, it would not have happened if this had not turned into a mudslinging personality battle.
