View Full Version : question about egg eating

03-06-2005, 02:39 PM
I have a pair of reds that have successfully laid and had freeswimmers a week and a half ago.They are in their own 20 gallon tank and spawned 2 days ago. this morning the eggs are forming black dots in them. I check all my tanks to see how they are doing in the mornings so they are used to this behavior.A few hours later they are eating them.Could they have known that something was wrong with the eggs?? Or could it be because this is 1st spawn in a new tank? They ate their eggs the first time they ever laid and didn't the next.Just curious as to why they did eat them this time..

03-07-2005, 12:02 AM
I don't think they can tell whether the eggs are good or bad. I think they get spooked or what ever and just eat them some times.

03-07-2005, 02:33 AM
Thanks for resonding Carol.
By the way the green turquiose fry are 4 1/2 days freeswimming and are attached to parents also eating or trying to eat whatever I put in for parents.I watched a few of them chase a tetrabit around for a while before giving up on it.

03-07-2005, 08:41 PM
Are you adding bbs yet? IF not get them hatching, lol :)