View Full Version : Tank size/Growing out discus

03-07-2005, 07:51 AM
Can 5-6 young discus grow out to full size adults in a 40 gallon tall? i would be doing daily water changes of up to 50%. i would eventually like to have up to 4 breeding pairs. can anyone tell me how many tanks, including breeding tanks, quaranteen tanks and grow out tanks (sizes)i will eventually need? i live in an apartment so very large tanks are out of the question. Thanks. Deb.

03-08-2005, 06:03 AM
Hi Deb,

40 gals for 5/6 adults might be a bit of a squeeze, they should do well until they are around 4" body size but i'd strongly consider upsizing to a 55.

Growing out babies requires a lot of room, it really is very easy to underestimate the room required. I like to grow out fry at about 1 fish per 2 gallons with 35 to 50% daily water changes. At about 10 weeks they will be 2" and more room should be given or they can be sold off. An average spawn will be 100 fry or more so you can see that will require a lot of space. Ther fry can be crowded more than that but in my experience best results are when the fry are not packed to tight.


03-08-2005, 08:05 AM
I've heard 55 gallon tanks are ideal for raising discus. I'm going to see one tomorrow and hopefully have it set up by next week. This is all very new and exciting for me!! Right now I have set up 2-20 gallon tanks for angels, and 2-40's for discus. I can see however, this hobby is growing into a passion and discus will become the new "love of my life" lol...Deb.