View Full Version : Salt or Salt/heat treatments

03-07-2005, 02:58 PM
How do you all feel about salt and/or salt-heat treatments?

I've got some questions, but first here are my params.....

29 gal, planted (not heavily), graveled tank
Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all ZERO
GH 7, KH3, out of the tap but have been adding RO Right to try to harden it a little (I do not have an RO unit, my water is just very soft here).
PH currently 6.4, though I'm trying to gradually reduce it and keep it around 6
Temp usually at 83/84 F, currently at 89F, gradually working up to 92F (trying to rid tank of any remaining parasites-is it true heat will help that?) Discus: one 1 1/4 inch, one 1 1/2 inch, one 2 inch and 2 that are close to 3 inches.

I know that's a lot in a 29, but am getting a 60 or 75 gal VERY SOON. Also, I do 20-30% water changes every day and siphon off waste every day. Am very adamant about cleaning.

My larger fish are fine, but the two babies are constantly having troubles. I have a fully cycled 10 gal hospital tank I am bringing up to temp and same parameters as tank fish are currently in. Later today I plan to move the babies back to that tank. Since I don't know what's wrong with them, I don't want to just throw meds in the tank. Cobalt baby was dark for a while, had fin/tail rot and then parasites. I got him past all of that and he's gained weight, regrown fins, etc-was doing GREAT. Noticed yesterday he's been dark again and less active, though still eating good. Other baby (I think is alenquer so I will call him that for reference) he's the smaller one-was so cute when I bought him. He did OK in QT, never had any signs of anything so I didn't treat him for anything-came from the same lfs as the others. I moved him to the main tank and he has gradually gotten very dark, slime coat got strange coating and started peeling off. He also was flicking himself against the plants constantly. I consulted Simply library and photo of fish with chilodonella could have been my fish. Treated with formalin and slime coat is now almost completely back to normal. He is still dark and so very thin. He was eating really well until last night but now acts hungry and eats but spits most of his food out. He's not all that active now either. I'm afraid I'm losing him.

I've been reading up on use of salt as a treatment and according to Undergrasser it can be useful to treat many things. So I've been experimenting. Yesterday and today I put alenquer in a 15 minute bath of 1 gallon tank water and 2 1/2 tbsp salt. The minute I put him in the salt his color lightened right up and he swam around comfortably and active (not stressed, just swimming around calmly). As soon as I put him back in the main tank he gets dark and hides (the other fish do not and have never picked on him).

I know babies are hard to raise in a planted, graveled tank so they are moving to the hospital tank until they grow and my new tank is here and cycled.

Since the salt seems to help him so much, how much salt can I safely put in the hospital tank with the babies and what temp is ideal? Or is there something else I should be treating with?

Also, flicking on plants has stopped, feces completely normal, no other signs of fungus or parasites. No head or tail standing or any other unusual behavior.

I'm sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to learn. I started with the three babies and my Red Turq baby is growing out very nicely. I just need to get these other two brought along. (yes, I learned to spend the extra $$ and buy larger fish to begin with in the future)

Thanks in advance for your input.

03-07-2005, 05:04 PM
Are you getting your new larger tank soon? I would first remove the gravel if they are going to be residing in this tank for a while. I wouldn't keep them in a 10 gallon hospital for very long. That's a small tank for alot of fish.
Vacuum substrate, clean filters, add prefilters if necessary, wipe down sides. Increase water changes.
R/O water is extremely soft and is only a requirement for breeding. It is free of minerals which babies/juvies need for growth. No need to adjust your water, plus r/o would make it even softer.
With KH 3, watch for acid fall. Remove driftwood if in tank.
Lightening the load in your tank will keep the kh more stable, and everyone happier. The plant flicking may be due to changing water parameters or flukes?
Do you have pictures of the little guy with the slime coat problems?
The spitting sounds like hex. He must have a very weak immune system.
Just clean water, bare bottom, and gradual elevated temp to atleast 92 may bring them back. Links for salt concentration should be in the common treatments section. Sea salt/non iodized salt.
Is the spitting discus feces mucousy and white looking?


03-07-2005, 06:08 PM

Only the two babies are going in the 10 gal hospital tank. The others will stay in the 29 gal.

As I mentioned, I do 20-30% water changes every day. My gravel is vacuumed almost every day and the tank is wiped down regularly. My filter is very clean also.

Also, I said I use "RO Right" to harden my naturally soft water and that I do NOT have an RO unit. (I use discus essential and blackwater expert also).

Feces are completely normal for all fish. An no, no pics (no digital camera-will be next purchase after larger tank :) ) Besides, his slime coat is 99% normal again.

Sorry if I mashed everything together and made it confusing. Thank you for responding to my book.

If anyone has any experiences with salt baths or salt treatments, bring it on!

03-07-2005, 06:36 PM
Salt as a med
http://forum.simplydiscus.com//s...ead.php?t=29411 (http://forum.simplydiscus.com//showthread.php?t=29411)
http://www.simplydiscus.com/library...inet/salt.shtml (http://www.simplydiscus.com/library/disease_medications/medicine_cabinet/salt.shtml)

03-07-2005, 06:39 PM
I don't use salt bath but add about 1.5 to 2 tbs of non iodized salt directly to the tank. Two of my guys turned dark and were jumpy and bashing against the tank sides. I used salt for about 3 days and did not increase the temp. They turned back to normal colour and doing OK

03-07-2005, 08:32 PM
You can mix formalin or quick cure with salt. You can raise salt levels over a couple of days to 1/2 cup per 10 gallons. You can dose formalin every other day. Do a 50% water change 8 hours after dosing. Replace salt lost to water change. Do not use formalin if fish has open sores.

03-07-2005, 08:47 PM
Thanks, Carol. I have both formalin and salt on hand. Hospital tank water params are almost the same as main tank. As soon as I get PH the same, I will move him and take your advice.

He's gotten very very thin in past couple of days. He stopped eating last night, though he still goes to the feeder with the other and looks at the food. I've very worried.

03-07-2005, 08:52 PM
. . . some fish do not recover. Just do your best. it is a good learning experience if nothing else.