View Full Version : The runt

03-10-2005, 12:06 PM
I thought I'd post a picture of my little turqey bird. He is a runt. I bought him from the lfs. All his brothers and sisters were about 4-5" in size and he was in the pack hiding out. I thought he would have grown up like the rest but he didn't. This guy is barely 1.5-2" in size he is at least 6 months old. Can you beleive it. I love him though and he is a hefty eater. I do 50% WC's everyday so he gets good love. He is just gonna be small forever I think but I will always have him. :)

03-10-2005, 12:22 PM
He's cute! I have a thing for baby discus. I had two babies that were like fragile baby birds. One didn't make it but the other is doing well.

Anyway, I'll have to post a pic of my fish because as far as coloring and markings, this guy looks identical to another one of my babies (though he's not so much a baby anymore).

It's a good thing I rent and don't have the room for lots of tanks because I'd be rescuing all the needy discus from the lfs's.


P.S. Basshead, I see you are in the Azores. I love Portugal. There is a riding school in Al Cainca I have been to for dressage training. Anyway, it is a beautiful country. I wish I'd seen more, especially the shore...but I was too busy riding their magnificent Luisitano stallions.

03-10-2005, 01:01 PM
The Azores is a lot different from the main land. It's almost like Alcatraz here with nothing at all. I'm only here for about 8 more months and then I'm off to were ever the Air Force sends me. Glad you like Portugal. Post those pics :)


HTown Discus
03-10-2005, 03:48 PM
The Azores is a lot different from the main land. It's almost like Alcatraz here with nothing at all. I'm only here for about 8 more months and then I'm off to were ever the Air Force sends me. Glad you like Portugal. Post those pics :)


The Azores... I haven't heard that since I was a Crypto Tech in the Navy. Was almost stationed there back in '90.