View Full Version : Planning first discus tank...

03-11-2005, 04:59 PM
Hi, I'm glad I found this place! My name is Greg, and I'm going to be setting up a Discus tank in the near future. I've got quite a few years experience with saltwater reefs (55 gal., 7 gal., 5.5 gal. and 1.5 gal. tanks). I work, on the side, in an LFS here, mainly only running the salt section.

I'm sure I could use plenty of advice regarding keeping discus. I'm quite familiar with cycling, testing, etc., but specifics for discus-keeping, I'm not. I'll need info on proper pH, water flow, best substrates, ideal color temperature for lights, and anything I'm missing here. The one thing I know about discus, is that they require pristine water conditions. I assume water from my RO/DI would be best.

I'll start off telling you what I'm working with, and we'll go from there... I have a 50 gallon hex tank which will house the discus. Along with the tank came a Fluval 404 340gph canister. Overhead are dual 18w strips. Aside from that, I'm strting from scratch.

If there's any general information you can supply me now, it'd be greatly appreciated. Of course, in time, I'll have more specific questions. Thanks, all!

03-11-2005, 06:25 PM
Welcome to Simply Dicus :wave: My advice is to read through the sticked threads in the beginner section.
I'll need info on proper pH, Probably what ever your tap stabilizes at.
water flow, Doesn't matter as long as there is a quiet place in the tank
best substrates, NONE
ideal color temperature for lights Depends on color of discus and your preference. I like white lights.

03-11-2005, 06:54 PM
i lik bare tanks and hydro sponges. bare minimum works good for me. aged tap water is all i use for daily water changes. the bb tanks are some much easier to keeep clean than gravel.
good luck